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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2011-05-03 08:14:00

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everything you'd need to know

rebecca abercrombie

Euan Abercrombie
Euan Gabriel Charlotte Leilana
Slytherin, 1980
Healer ; Plants & Potion Poisoning
Winnie Llewellyn
Michael Corner

kobe ackerly

Jonas Ackerly
Stewart Gabriel Elaine Isobel Loren Fiona Timothy Gabriel
Hufflepuff, 1980
Secretary ; Minister's Public Relations
Kizzy Carnac

elliot alderton

Ellsinore Branstone
Liam Elliot Elysia Troy Elspeth Cordelia
Gryffindor, 1975
Janitor ; Muggle Elementary School
Archie MacMillan
Dana Diggle Olive MacMillan

clara belby

Emmet Belby
Marcus Riley Lucy Adelina
Hufflepuff, 1973
Boutique Manager

Hannah Abbott

megan bones

Jonathan Bones
Marcus Riley Lucy Adelina
Hufflepuff, 1973
Boutique Manager

Eddie Carmichael, Mara Doge

noah boot

Odette MacFarlan
Terry Rigel Anna Lyra
Ravenclaw, 1975
Drystan Fawcett
Brian Fawcett

tomas booth

Avis Tremaine
Geoffrey Ethan Camilla Aurora Connor Astatine
Gryffindor, 1966
Greer Kirkham
Eloise Midgen, Rosalie Kirke

Magnolia Brand #f35f69
Noël Carmichael #ff99ff
Graciela Cervantes #ccff99
Gabriel Corner #B0171F
Dirk Cresswell #D37633
Bree Dawlish #330033
Eliza Diggle #990066
Phoebe Doge #33cc99
Giada Dorny #66ffff
Katerina Edgars #99333
Bess Fawcett #ff6666
Estella Flint #00cccc
Elizabeth Fortescue #9933cc
Miranda Frobisher #ffcc33
Sebastian Goldstein #339933
Galvin Gudgeon #ff6600
Madeleine Hooke #ECB7D0
Adelaide Jordan #00ff99
William Jugson #00cc00
Danielle Kettleburn #cc0066
Erin Kirke #9966cc
Rabastan Lestrange #003399
Carys Llewellyn #C6FFA0
Alice Longbottom #ffcccc
Isobel MacMillan #6633ff
Elena McLaggen #FD7575
Phineas McLaggen #0000ff
Chandler Midgen #ff6600
Matilda Mulciber #660099
Brianna O'Hara #f4f5ad
Psyke Smith #ff0066
Charles Spinnet #1573FF
Sarah Stebbins #F5A9F4
Agatha Timms #006699
Emmeline Vance #996699
Patrick Vance #3399cc
Bianca Vaisey #cc0033
Henry Wadcock #71F000
Mark Wood #35974C

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