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Sin Queen ([info]notanarrow) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-31 09:59:00

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Entry tags:inactive - morgaine king, npc - sin queen

A little present.
Ah yes.  New Year's Eve.  There were a great many traditions for this around the world and Sin had been fortunate enough to experience many, the Russian Novogodni Odonek still being a favorite.  This year she would be celebrating Stateside with her family, though celebrate was too bright a word considering the recent loss and the grief that would be permeating any festivities.  Still there was room for a little brightness. 

As was custom, Sin made certain a particular package made its way to her nemesis.  The contents varied from year to year but this year the box was particularly amusing: chocolate, coffee....and a pink ninja plushie.

No card was needed; the hot pink ninja was really card enough.

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2010-12-31 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Morgaine received the package, blinking, truly astounded at the hot pink plushie. She expected something, but the plushie was something new and surprising.

Still, there was the smallest of smiles on her face as she sat in on the self in her closet. She would devour the chocolate and drink all the coffee in a short amount of time.

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2011-01-14 02:27 am UTC (link)

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