Explain the meanings for all of the usernames for all of the characters you roleplay.PIERIAN SPRINGSDaphne du Maurier-
daphlebird-Well, her name is Daphne, she's french, and she wrote the birds. Yeahh.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
joeyhann-Uh. His name is Johann. Yes.
Wendy Faulkner-
absalomwendy-One of William Faulkner's most famous works is
Absalom! Absalom! So, yes.
Victoria Hugo-
eastofobnoxious-I actually just recycled this username. It was originally going to be a character from
East of Eden but that did not turn out well.
Emily Dickinson-
dialogueofdeath-It comes from a poem of hers. I can't remember which one.
STAGELEFTJuliet Capulet/Juliet Capulet-
suntotheeast-Taken from Romeo's quote, "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? / It is the east and Juliet is the sun."
A ROYAL PAINTatiana Romanov/Tatiana the Grand Duchess of Russia-
lovemytat-It doesn't really come from anything in particular. I wasn't creative that night or something.
Napoleon Bonaparte/Napoleon Bonaparte duh-
napoleonlove-I made him and Tati in the same night. Don't judge me.
Nero Adonis/Emperor Nero of Rome-
whileyouburn-Emperor Nero is credited to have sat and fiddled as Rome burned around him. He was a badass frlz.
Elisabeth Arnaud/Elisabeth of Bavaria-
littlelisajane-In Choir in 8th grade, we sang this song that had a line that said 'little liza jane' in it. Well, I am just so clever that I changed liza to lisa and boom username.
becktheman-Well....his last name is Steinbeck. Idk. I can't really remember why I made it that.
Edward Renard/Antoine de St Exupery-
ownthestars-My favorite quote from
Le Petit Prince is, "Et moi? Je possede les etoiles." Which means, "And me? I possess the stars."
Lance Dulak/Sir Lancelot-
manofthelake-Another name for Lancelot has been Man of the Lake for some reason or another and yes.
Adam Kinney/Tutankhamen-
goldenscepter-I liked the way it sounded
Francis Faust Philman/Faustus-
faustmefast-I really like alliteration.
Edward Rex/Oedipus Rex-
oedipus_sex-Lolololol what? it's funny. You know it is.