The Lights of Vegas
Anya came out of the large walk-in closet carrying two dresses. She couldn't decide and she was running out of time. Their flight would be leave in about three hours and Anya didn't want to miss it. Flying commercial sucked, but they were at least going first class.
A weekend away with Steve. She had given him a weekend away for Christmas and now she was delivering on that gift. Coincidentally there was a concert in Vegas that Steve would be interested in going to. Aerosmith was playing one of their final concerts with Stephen Tyler as their front man and Anya couldn't let Steve miss this.
Vegas was close to LA and after the concert they could hop a flight to LA and attend the Golden Globes on Sunday night. It was a plan.
The door to her room opened and she smiled when she saw Steve.
"I know. I'm trying to finish packing, but I can't decide which dress to wear in Vegas."
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