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「ᶯicole → ᵝoot」 ([info]nicoles) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-09-18 19:54:00

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Entry tags:martin boot, nicole boot

He'd really gone and done it this time.

"Seriously, Martin?" had been the words out of Nick's mouth the second he had walked in the door. She had waved the magazine accusingly in front of his face, then shoved it at his chest, the force of the movement making no mistake of her mood over the publication she was referring to--more precisely, the picture currently gracing the front page of her boyfriend plus one with a Ballycastle chaser, looking a little more friendly than friends (especially friends she didn't even fucking know he had) should be. The headline, splashed across the page in bright yellow font, asked the same question that she was posing him now. "What in the hell is this about?"

Now, honestly, she didn't take a habit of believing everything she read. She'd had her own share of misconstrued stories in the tabloids, many of them posing, like this one, the possibility that she and Martin were over. But this one was different. This one she had known nothing about until some fan had come up to her that morning asking if it was true or not. This woman he was with was someone she didn't know, who she hadn't known her boyfriend knew, and---and it was all an enigma, and had caught her completely off guard, and Nick didn't like that at all.

"I'm going to give you ten seconds to explain before I kick you out the door," she threatened, already counting down in her head as she regarded him with arms across her chest.

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2008-09-20 06:05 am UTC (link)
Arms that had been open in anticipation of a hug immediately dropped back to his sides as a magazine was slapped suddenly against the broad expanse of his chest. Ok, so she obviously hadn't been rushing to the front door to affectionately greet him.... so much for wishful thinking. Sighing, he obliged her and immediately snatched the article from her, hazel eyes looking it over with an expression of boredom already beginning to manifest itself.

"It's a tabloid," he told her, arching a brow up at her as though to say 'duh'. On most occasions, the pair would laugh about the ridiculous shit the press managed to come up with... so why was she yelling? And threatening to kick him out? Her threat drove his gaze back down to the picture there... yep, there he was, having lunch with a fellow quidditch player he'd known for years. Again, he couldn't quite see the problem, and looked up at her with a shrug, a goofy smile in place as he went to explain. "Relax, will you? I went and had lunch with a friend of mine the other day. No biggie."

But obviously it was, for some reason, a biggie, and he frowned as that realization dawned on him. Staring at her for a beat, he suddenly looked indignant; it was his turn to wave the magazine in her face. "You believe this shite? Honestly, if I wanted to cheat on you with Melody Gresir, don't you think I would have picked a place that wasn't right in the middle of Hogsmeade?"

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2008-09-20 06:58 am UTC (link)
"People do stupid shit all the time," she bit back almost immediately, as if she'd had the retort waiting on the tip of her tongue. "And you have a particularly strong track record where that's concerned."

Nicole knew that she was being harsh, but at the moment she was too furious to regret the things that were coming out of her mouth. She knew, she knew a normal person wouldn't take this so strongly, would sit down, ask him calmly what the meaning of it all was instead and talk it out rationally. Nick was not a normal person. She was a person who knew her boyfriend, who knew his track record in relationships,--in fucking life, for the love of Merlin, it wasn't like Martin had the most pristine reputation ever--and it scared her. It was like every day she was waiting for something like this to happen, for the bottom to fall out.

She'd been talking about kids with him just a week ago. She had been beginning to wonder if she had been wrong in her perception of him all along. And then this showed up on the newsstands and all of a sudden it was back to square one. Bloody hell, it was always something.

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2008-09-22 07:42 pm UTC (link)
"Yea," he agreed, an incredulous laugh tumbling from his lips before he could think to stop it, "like believing the fucking Tattler, for example!" He didn't think it was funny. Really, he didn't. But this was absolutely ridiculous! He gave her a tilted look, eyes narrowed somewhat as her last comment served to wipe the smile right from his face.

"Merlin's fucking left, here we go again," he groaned, already exasperated with the conversation. "Let's go over this again, shall we? You can not throw the fact that I was a certified man slag in my face everytime you're feeling insecure." This last was said slowly, like he was teaching something to a fairly retarded adolescent. He might have been taking it a bit lightly, but she was taking it much too seriously. And besides, it really did piss him off that she continued to throw that back at him every chance she got.

"Do you honestly think that if I was seeing someone else I would be taking them out for lunch? No! But the fact of the matter is that I don't want to cheat on you, just incase you didn't hear me the," and here he cupped the magazine like a megaphone and yelled at her through it, "million other times I've told you!"

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