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[Mar. 4th, 2008|09:05 pm]
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[Current Mood | content]
[Current Music |Shiver- Maroon 5]

These past few days have been really, really fun. There was the concert Saturday, then Sunday I visited James at work and he took his half hour break, so we got to see each other a little bit then. Yesterday was even better though, in spanish I decided I wanted more of that delicious cheesy thin crust pizza, and Liza wanted ice cream. So we decided to compromise and go to Friendly's, since we did Palio's last week. So after school she, James, George and I all went, and George lectured us on the safety of seatbelts, and Liza's mind became entremely dirty and there was talk of the "fat kid at the help desk" who came to the brilliant conclusion: it wouldn't be rape if they just said yes.
We decided we didn't want to go home yet, so we went to the mall and I bought some more Sims add-ons haha, and we went to Brookestone but they got rid of the iGallop. That thing was insane. We did a photobooth which resulted in my head getting in the way and James looking like a "little drummer boy" and Liza squishing George. We all came back here afterwards, and we played apples to apples, danced to ghetto tunes and took pictures, then played Mario Party. (Where Liza physically stopped George from getting his star, ahem) and it was just lots and lots of fun.

And today my dad surprised me with the new Jodi Picoult book! I'm such a nerd for getting excited over something like that. But I started it and it's amazing, as usual.
