Who: Ashlyn Cooper and Sieffre Robins
Where: The Library (may move elsewhere, just depends)
When: Thursday Evening, just before the Feminist Club meeting.
It had been an extremely busy day for Ashlyn Cooper. And thank Merlin for the small breaks at the end of the day; she didn't know what she would do without her quiet library time. Of course, spending all that time working on school work wasn't exactly her cup of tea, but it'd have to do for now. Quidditch practices were picking up more and more and when that was added on top of the bloody school play, well...she was ready to scream. Now, if only Madam Pince would allow her (a very very
responsible and
trustworthy Ravenclaw) to have something to drink in the library, her life would be complete.
As it was, her mind was mulling over the properties of their latest transfiguration work, Valentine's Day (and the resulting Hogsmeade trip), and...well, Christian. She wondered if he would be present in Hogsmeade the next weekend...if he'd even have time to stop by and say hello to her. Not that she was important as
Ingrid, but. There wasn't much Ashlyn could do to help that.
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