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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2010-02-09 11:45:00

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Entry tags:eliza, wedding

diggle wedding

d i g g l e
March 13th, 1981
a t t i r e
b r i d e

the dress

the shoes

the bouquet
g r o o m

the suit
p a r t y

moh - brianna o'hara
best man - elphias doge

- bridesmaids
elsie alderton
lucy lovegood

- ushers
ralph frobisher
emmeline vance

flower girl - emilie bones
ring bearer - liam alderton
v e n u e
l o c a t i o n

gazebo, two
r e c e p t i o n


f a v o r s
g u e s t s
elliot & elsie alderton

zachary sloper & brianna o'hara

edgar & gillian bones

ralph frobisher & miranda parry

ingrid catchlove + guest

greta catchlove + guest

kingsley shacklebolt + guest

frank & alice longbottom
emmeline vance + guest

will & anneliese jugson

rhys & juliet nott

davy gudgeon & elspeth bell

elphias & phoebe doge

bradley & iris madley
seymour & chloe dingle

xenophilius & lucy lovegood

james & lily potter

tom & fiona finnegan

ted & andromeda tonks

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