Character Education and career goals
Inspired by Matt's post... my own list. (order comes from journal names)
Marvel NG
Johnny Walker: High school grad, SHIELD academy training and on-going education.
Rikki Cargill: Genoshan educational system graduate.
Andrea: GED, currently enrolled in the elementary education program at ESU.
Michelle Clarke: home schooled high school grad, currently bartender at a vampire themed bar called Fangtasia.
Joe Marko: Xaiver's graduate, college drop out. Has an electrician's, carpenter's, and plumber's license.
Sydney Davis: Masters degree in electrical engineering
Magneta: High school education, self-taught beyond that.
Asleif: Significant education in the arcane arts; apprenticed under multiple sorcerers and sorceresses of the realm.
Stevie Barton: High school grad (C+ average in most classes, except for auto shop), no plans for college (especially not in an alternate world)
Dawn Roberts: Masters degree in library science.
Grogg: honorary "degree" from a Tokyo elementary school.
Rachel Summers: part of the class of 2011 Xaiver's graduating class, likely ESU attendee in the fall.
Mina Wagner: current student at Xaiver's.
"Rocket" Red Panda: Traditional Halfworld sleep education
Marrina: High school graduate, looking at furthering her education, sometime spent with Atlantean tutors.
Argo: hands on education in life and heroing in Olympus
Steve Barton: High school grad, undecided about pursuing further education.
Toni Rhodes: high school grad. Rejected at several NYC colleges during the time she was outed as a mutant. Considering returning.
Rose Logan: Xaiver's grad in own universe, no interest in further education. Family-taught in various languages and sneaky bits.
Wendi Tyler: High school grad, currently enrolled in an art school.
Alura Dox: educated in the 31st Century
Dinah Kord: Graduated top of her class at Gotham Heights College Prep Academy, heading off to college in the fall.
Cat Grant Associates degree in business management, operates a franchise branch of Dinah (Black Canary)'s Sherwood Florist.
Victoria Craft: College grad; first grade teacher.
Avia Free: High school grad, small number of community college courses, now touring full-time in between heroics.
Lindsey Majors: College grad with a degree in journalism.
Robin Kane: High school student
Aleea Strange: Educated on Rann
Joey Mason: High school education via private tutors.
Jenn, Daughter of Saturn: Royal tutors on Saturn.
Traya Smith: High school grad from a prestigious boarding school, currently studying Meteorology at Metropolis University.
Alphonse Vertigo: educated in European boarding schools.
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