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"Cat" Grant ([info]cat_fancy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-30 22:35:00

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Entry tags:cat grant, inactive - warhawk

Going a few rounds (Open to the JSA)
The bad guys long defeated, a few minor street level crooks put away in the meantime, her day job done for the day (One of these days, she reckoned she'd be able to thank Ms. Dinah enough for putting her in charge of a franchise spot of Sherwood Florist), Cat was in the mood to relax.

Now, there were three types of relaxing, as far as she was concerned.  One needed a bottle, one needed a boy, and one needed a bag.

She opted for the bag today, taped up her hands, and went to work on the punching bag in the Brownstone's gym.

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2010-10-31 07:01 am UTC (link)
Rex comes in in his workout gear, hood up. He's ready to go a few rounds on the heavy back, but when he sees Cat's taken it, he goes to spot her.

He simply nods, trying not to strain his throat much. He done that during his talk with Nic and he really, really didn't want to go into why he wasn't speaking again.

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2010-10-31 05:18 pm UTC (link)
Cat pounded away at the bag, nodding politely to Rex when he came in.

After a little, she took a step back to offer him a chance at it.

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2010-11-01 03:20 am UTC (link)
Rex shakes his head and holds the bag for Cat.

"You go for it." he whispers, trying not to strain his throat. Hope would kill him if she knew how much he'd been talking recently.

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2010-11-01 11:39 pm UTC (link)
Cat offered him a smile and went back to work on the bag. "Much obliged to the gentleman," she said with a wink.

Poor Rexy. She hoped he'd get better. If nothing else, she had all kinds of questions about this alleged girlfriend.

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2010-11-02 12:58 am UTC (link)
He offers a half-smile and nods, holding the bag for Cat while he tried to keep his thoughts of the argument he'd had with Nic.

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2010-11-02 10:30 pm UTC (link)
"I'd offer you a penny for your thoughts, Rexy," Cat said, as she kept up a barrage of punches, "but doesn't sound like you need to be talking."

She kept working. "Of course, we could always play twenty questions. You can just nod. This got anything to do with that new ladyfriend of yours I've been hearing about?"

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2010-11-02 11:08 pm UTC (link)
Rex shakes his head.

"Hope is good. Nic is the problem." Rex whispers.

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2010-11-02 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Cat frowned. She liked Nic. Kid had spunk, kept Rex on his toes.

"Can't be some boy... you'd just break his legs."

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2010-11-02 11:40 pm UTC (link)
"Not a boy. A girl." Rex says, holding the bag.

"Can't break a girl's legs, even if said girl is just as much a manipulator as her old man." Rex whispers, feeling a little scratch in his throat and making a face.

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2010-11-03 12:17 am UTC (link)
Well, good for Nic. It took Cat a bit by surprise, but she gave it a kind of mental shrug. As some of her more, ah, alcohol fueled moments could attest to, her radar for that kind of thing functioned badly, if at all.

"It's sweet you're worried about her," she said. "So tell you what, even though I'm a Lady..."

She paused for a beat to invite him to disagree, "if she hurts her, I'll break her legs."

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2010-11-03 12:29 am UTC (link)
Rex grins at Cat. "All right. I'll hold you to that."

"How are you?" he asks.

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2010-11-03 05:50 pm UTC (link)
"It's a promise you can take ta the bank," she assured him.

"I'm good though. Shop's doing decent business, been practicing making some stuff animals in my spare time. Making a few extra bucks arm wrestling drunks at the bars."

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2010-11-04 12:39 am UTC (link)
"Good to hear about the shop, but you shouldn't be going to bars alone, Cat." Rex whispers.

Cat tends to get in trouble at bars, lots of trouble. Rex would know.

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2010-11-04 02:13 am UTC (link)
"Hey!" Cat protested. "I've been good. I haven't gotten into any bar fights in at least..."

She did a little mental arithmetic.

"Well, longer 'an usual, anyway."

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2010-11-04 02:20 am UTC (link)
Rex just gives her a knowing look and nods at her to concentrate on the bag.

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2010-11-04 05:12 pm UTC (link)
"It's a good thing you can't talk much right now, Rexy, or else I might have to knock that smirk off your face," Cat teased, as she went back to working the bag.

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2010-11-06 12:15 am UTC (link)
"I will throw you over my knee and spank you. Or just tie you to a chair and leave you." Rex rasps, chuckling.

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2010-11-06 12:41 am UTC (link)
Cat laughed out loud at that.

"Any time you wanna try, you just let me know."

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2010-11-12 12:07 am UTC (link)

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