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ng_olympian ([info]ng_olympian) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-18 04:16:00

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Entry tags:npc - pluto, plot-"we are the champions", team - champions

Setting Things In Motion
Pluto was an unhappy deity.

Not that he was normally happy to start with, but he was unhappier than usual. Losing the Asgardian souls left a bitter taste in his mouth and ate at him. He would have had two, maybe even three, of their souls to add to his kingdom, but victory had slipped through his fingers. He needed something to appease him for the loss of the Asgardian souls. After some thought on the matter, he knew just what he wanted to do and he knew just who to get to help him.

Mephisto would be more than willing to help Pluto. Mephisto had lost out on claiming an Asgardian soul or two. They could both benefit from a brief alliance.

Pluto summoned a minion to be his agent in the mortal realm. Direct action on his part would draw attention too quickly and this plan needed time to work. He gave the minion instructions and set him to Earth.

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