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skylessnight ([info]skylessnight) wrote,
@ 2009-05-15 16:03:00

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Current mood: worried

~sighs~ I need a hug
I think no I know I need a hug right now. Going to the doctor or ER in a day or so and I am very worried right now border line panic attacks. I have ITP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiopathic_thrombocytopenic_purpura and had it when I was nine which could had killed me and even now it can kill me. I know colene knows of ITP as I am going though it badly with bleeding lots but yeah. I know she is deathly worried but I know I cant talk to her with it due to it will worry her more and more.

I can't do surgery due to the pocedure is potentially risky in ITP cases due to the increased possibility of significant bleeding during surgery.(from Wiki) YEAH umm no that does not sound good.

I don't know what I should do right now other then the doctors or ER and I am scared.

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2009-05-16 04:35 am UTC (link)
Are you sure you can't do the surgery? I would check other sources besides Wiki. I'm really sorry to hear about this :[

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