Entry three: To-do list. Ho hum.
Things I've gotta do, in no particular order:
- Finish my English midterm.
- Buy new clothes. Seriously, I feel like I haven't gone shopping in about 8 years...
Alright, maybe it's been 3 months, but STILL.
- Get my dress fitted for the wedding...and be reminded that I'm shaped like a 13 year old boy. UGH.
- Finish my math homework.
- Remind my boss for the millionth time that my name is Marlie, and not Marlene.
- Steal my glitter pen back from Alena. ( Yes, I know you still have it, buttface! xD )
- Get my hair cut.
- Hang out with Gabe and Abbey again. I haven't seen either of them in EONS. ( Grr! )
- Change my Myspace song, because having the Sesame Street theme was funny for a while, but now it's making me want to punch something in the face.
- Pick somewhere to go to dinner tonight, because Dan chose last time. I'm so indecisive!
- Do laundry.
- Buy some more pickles for my Mom.
- Buy some more pickles for my Dad. I think they both need their own jars.
Hmmmmmm... I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything else!
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