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кєι ❤ тιмe ѕтαɴdѕ ѕтιll ([info]lunareuphoria) wrote in [info]hushawards,
@ 2011-01-14 23:40:00

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Entry tags:! submissions, theme: 071

Challenge 071; theme
WORD ¤ Good Vs. Evil
Interpret this as you will.

LYRICAL ¤ "New Day's Dawn by Fozzy" [ listen ]

When my demons start to call
I need you to save me
And if the heavens were to fall
I'd need you to pray for me
And even in my darkest hour
When my world's gone sour
When I look out into the night
I know you're always there for me

Times are tough
And I've lost it all
Had enough
And I've hit the wall
Stopped and struck
By a semi truck of bad luck

Heart turns hard
And I've lost the dream
Soul's been scarred
And I wanna scream!
Life's been trashed
Like a piece of glass
That's been smashed

And when my demons start to call
I need you to save me
And if the heavens were to fall
I'd need you to pray for me
And even in my darkest hour
When my world's gone sour
When I look out into the night
I know you're always there for me

Torn apart
And I've ripped my wings
Stalled at the start
And I've dropped the ring
Slapped by fate
Passed my expiration date, I'm too late

Left for dead
And I've jumped the shark
Poison fed
And I've pinched the spark
Punched and slugged
Like a pickpockets' tug, I've been mugged

You have until Friday, January 21st at 10:00PM EST to submit your entries to this screened post. I already have voting up here.

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