Dark Puck - Art! [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
May 17th, 2009
05:53 am
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Eeeeeeeeee! There is commission art for Bex's awesome Evil Water Tribe AU, Time and Tide, starring the two... I'm not going to say they're the villains. Sokka's rival Hahn and the rival's BFF Jill Krisuk. Time and Tide actually goes a long way to making Hahn tolerable. A personality beyond his being the Paolo helps. (WARNING: TV Tropes link).

Anyway, the art:

Commission: Hahn and Krisuk by ~foxysquid on deviantART

Why, yes, they are awesome.  Thank you for noticing.

Current Location: Mariott Anaheim
Current Mood: tired
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