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「ℛhea → чaxley」 ([info]headbitch) wrote,
@ 2011-05-28 04:02:00

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Warmest and most sincere congratulations to my colleague Healer Diggle on his feature in publication on his new clinical trial. It is a pity that they could not have chosen a more flattering image, but we all have bad photo days, certainly. Surely I only place blame on the publication--but I have noticed a recent decline in quality in Wizarding Fair. So unfortunate.

Congratulations nonetheless!

Speaking of unfortunate things: the incompetence of my hairdresser. The impossible bint silly woman managed to somehow dye my hair bright blonde! My, I was so appalled that I fired her on the spot, of course. I am absolutely devastated, as you must be able to understand. I do pray it will grow out quickly.

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