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Sam Fury ([info]sammyfury) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2011-06-08 12:08:00

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A life in review.
If you could write your own obituary, what would you say?

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2011-06-08 07:37 pm UTC (link)
Well, d.v., "Rev. Ruth Morgenstern Sayers died yesterday after a brief illness. She was 99. She is survived by her husband, four children, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Funeral services are scheduled for Saturday at the UU church."

Or do I have to write one for what's already happened?

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2011-06-08 07:48 pm UTC (link)
No mention of any accomplishments? I've read many obits that talked of service records, educational degrees, professional victories, that kind of thing. Although, four generations of family alive is an accomplishment in itself.

The choice is yours. I'm curious to know how people view their lives and the things they want to accomplish. An obituary sums it up, even if it's a little early in most cases.

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2011-06-08 07:53 pm UTC (link)
Then I'd just throw in 'retired chaplain and author of Counseling, Confessions, and Capes: Pastoral Care in the Superhuman Community' and be pretty satisfied.

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2011-06-08 08:39 pm UTC (link)
The world, mortal and immortal, mourned the loss of Nevell CEO and Avenger Vernique Denning this morning. She was a loving mother and friend, a fantastic date, and the most gorgeous technical-princess-of-Asgard to ever be mistaken for a dwarf.

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2011-06-08 08:44 pm UTC (link)
Corey Drake, local hero and sculptor of the piece 'Santa Catarina,' died yesterday of a disease he caught from a group of socially-conscious Ukrainian supermodels. The funeral will be held in a ceremony in Brazil corresponding to local traditions. In Lieu of Flowers, please make donations to Heifer International or your local food bank.

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2011-06-08 10:08 pm UTC (link)
Hopefully something about not dying doing something stupid.

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2011-06-08 10:31 pm UTC (link)
He died doing the right thing.

Best to keep aspirations simple.

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2011-06-08 11:51 pm UTC (link)
(2014) Rachel Summers, the heroine also known as Marvel Girl, was killed today rescuing her fellow X-Men from an exploding sentinel base. She is survived by an extremely large number of relatives.

(2020) Rachel Summers, a member of the X-Men, was killed by agents of a terrorist mutant and Magneto worshiping cult, who had taken over New York City. She is survived by her husband, ______, and numerous other relatives.

(2028) Rachel Summers, the X-Man known as Phoenix, succumbed to the power of the Phoenix Force, and was forced to cast herself into the stars in order to save the Earth. She is survived by her husband, _________, a daughter, and numerous distant relatives.

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2011-06-08 11:56 pm UTC (link)
Mason Jeffries is best remembered for his contributions to marriage equality in Canada, being the foremost champion for the protection of Human/Atlantean marital rights under the law.

He is also known for being the first man to ever simultaneously punch out a shark and drink an entire peanut butter milkshake while doing a triple back-flip on a dirtbike.

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2011-06-08 11:59 pm UTC (link)
It doth not matter how I died as long as I died in battle.

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2011-06-10 02:09 pm UTC (link)
Minnie Howard died yesterday of undetermined causes. The Memorial service will be entirely private. She will be missed.

That being an accurate obituary would be all I could ever dream for.

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