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Hitachiin Kaoru ([info]tweedledee) wrote in [info]ttooc,
@ 2010-02-10 21:57:00

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Hello! Hikaru or Kaoru here to deliver your results for the Valentines match up dates. Enclosed in your personal envelope you will find your dates name and a picture of said person. Don't ask about the pictures you don't wanna know.

Matt and Winry
Clifford and Kyoko
Ezio and Yoko
Zelos and Sheena
Lelouch and Karin
Gino and Kairi
Suzaku and Kallen
Sanji and Mamori
Gilbert and Agatha
Arthur and Konata
Alfred and Nami
Francis and Matoi

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2010-02-11 02:10 am UTC (link)
Ezio and Yoko is going to be epiiiiiiiic. Mwahaha. So's Zelos and Sheena, but that's mostly because I imagine Sheena being all THERE MUST BE SOME MISTAKE while Zelos is like see? I told you.

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2010-02-11 02:11 am UTC (link)
*bursts out laughing* I just have this feeling all of my dates are going to end in chaos! That's so awesome.

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2010-02-11 02:26 am UTC (link)
XD French man. :D

Fun fun. I see Winry and Matt like building a car as a date or something. XDDD

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2010-02-11 08:03 am UTC (link)
Oh lawd!

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2010-02-12 12:56 am UTC (link)
Oh dear, Lelouch and Winry? Shadow's not gonna be happy.

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2010-02-12 01:40 am UTC (link)

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2010-02-12 01:48 am UTC (link)

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2010-02-12 09:27 pm UTC (link)
Karin is and Shadow would have more of a relationship if Shadow-mun was on a whee bit more.

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2010-02-12 11:12 pm UTC (link)
I meant Karin, sorry! No idea why I wrote Winry -sweatdrop-

And I'm sorry for not being on more! I've been so busy with school and college and a scholarship and it's just been really busy and I haven't been able to be on. I'm sorry!!

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2010-02-12 11:15 pm UTC (link)
I know you've been busy, lol. There's the potential to have you come and gate-crash their 'date' that was going to be full of awkward anyways.

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