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「ℳeredith → ℱielding」 ([info]mymeredith) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-06-21 19:57:00

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Entry tags:derek dobbs, meredith fielding

Ahhhh freedom. It was a good feeling, if only a temporary one. On one hand, in September she'd be back at school again, as a 7th year, fighting her way through her N.E.W.T. year and putting her nose to the grindstone to scratch by with half a decent score card. But then again, it was still June, which meant that for another couple months she could still lay around, catch some sun by the pool, and enjoy being a teenager. That was, when she wasn't shopping with Ainsley and hanging out with her friends and having parties and---

---"Hey, watch it!"

Oh, that had come out ruder than she had intended. Meredith brushed off her skirt and blushed lightly, because even though some inconsiderate, blind moron had just walked straight into her--curse being small, honestly, people just imagined they could walk straight over you--she had still been rather snippy. She frowned and re-seated her bag on her shoulder before looking up, mouth open and an apology already on the tip of her tongue when--

"You have got to be kidding me." It was shocking, how quickly one girl could turn worry into a glare.

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2008-06-22 02:13 am UTC (link)
Derek was bored.

Really, he hadn't been anticipating the appearance of a nefarious law-breaking wizard on the Hogsmeade platform, full of scrambling children trying to make it on to the train in one piece. It was ridiculous that he even needed to be there, really, but it was a day of easy, paid work. Scanning the crowds with a scrutinizing eye, he tried to key in on any odd behavior or sketchy looking figures. But this was a platform full of raging, hormonal teenagers, so sketchy figures and odd behavior were fairly rampant.

He probably should've been paying more attention to where he was going when he ran into a tiny body head-on. After the person--a girl, by the blonde hair and high-pitched outcry-- snapped, Derek turned to apologize before a wide smirk split his face and he saw the look on the girl's face.

"Well, well! If it isn't my Meredith!"

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2008-06-22 02:44 am UTC (link)
My Meredith. My. Meredith. So not only had she just somehow run into--no, been run into, this one was NOT her fault--by Ridiculously Good-Looking Man from just a few days before, but now he had the gall to call her his---ohhh he was so arrogant, he was so---he was so---

...not a student.

It was astonishing that she had enough time in the midst of her fuming to take note of his robes, but being the fashionista she was, the very unfashionable color and logo stood out instantly. Honestly, if she needed any more reason to not apply for a Ministry job, they just had to go and dress everyone in their ugly robes and lame department brands and... oh. Okay, anyway, backtracking and---He was a---hitwizard and---she had thought he looked too old to be in school but how come he had---he was such an arse! This so turned any preconcieved notions she had had of the people out there ensuring her safety upside down and inside out. After all, if they were all arrogant jackasses like this one, then she wasn't sure how much she was comfortable trusting the hiring capabilities of the MLE.

Attempting to turn her surprise and agitation into something more useful, Meredith quickly pulled out her best snotty pureblood impression and stuck her nose up in the air. "I'm not your anything. I'd never be caught dead belonging to someone who lets themselves be caught dead in a color that looks so horrendus on them." The fact of the matter was, she was quite certain that Ridiculously Good-Looking Man would be ridiculously good-looking in any color, but that was not something that she was inclined to let him ever know. As it was, he already needed to be knocked down a few notches without her help.

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2008-06-22 02:55 am UTC (link)
"I'm actually a perfectly lovely person to belong to, honestly. Ask my Kneazle, he's quite content."

He had to be perfectly honest, he wasn't even the slightest bit sorry to tease her like this because her reaction went above and beyond what he expected every time. Leaning against the marble column next to them, he raised his eyebrows inquisitively. "And I rather think this color suits me, actually."

Well, that was a blatant lie. Puce was hardly a color that suited anybody because it was just vomit-y enough to not be purple or pink, neither of which he truly considered masculine. But Meredith had such strong opinions on the color of his robe, he had to contest them with her.

He might quite enjoy teasing her, but Derek didn't blame her in the slightest for thinking he was a great ass because he was. He so was. And he couldn't even contain the chuckle this time.

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2008-06-22 03:09 am UTC (link)
Of course he would have a cocky comeback, of course. He was---holy fuck, why didn't she know his name? Ridicuously Good-Looking Man was such a long name to think, and seemed far too good for him despite the fact that he would never hear the nickname pass her lips. Meredith's curiosity was terrible and she found herself on the verge of just asking, but her annoyance was far too strong to ever let such a slip occur. She could never let him actually think she was interested in such a thing, or that she cared what he was called.

"Actually," she spoke matter-of-factly, "that color looks good on no one, especially brunettes. It washes you out, and makes you look plain. Not to mention stupid, because no one in their right mind walks out of the house in it; and trust me, you need all the help you can get."

So maybe that last bit had been uncalled for, but with all the grief he had given her so far, Meredith didn't feel bad in the least about it. He was an ass, and deserved to be treated as such.

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2008-06-22 03:22 am UTC (link)
Derek grinned. "Well, if you have such an issue with my professional wardrobe, perhaps you should take it up with my superiors. I bet they'd kill for ace fashion tips from an expert such as yourself."

Definitely more qualified than him, at any rate, because his regular wardrobe consisted of pretty much three colors. And they didn't wear puce on real duty, really. But in instances like this, it was helped to be very visible in a crowd. Counter-intuitive, but actually helpful.

"I would also consider myself more of a sandy blonde with shades of brown, actually," he pondered briefly, actually having had this argument before (several times). "If you think my hair looks good now, you should see it when it's wet."

Well, Meredith hadn't actually said that, but it was implied. At least, Derek made it implied.

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2008-06-22 03:41 am UTC (link)
Had her eyebrows been able to rise off her head, right might have just then. So he was not only arrogant, but exceedingly arrogant, like, I'm-better-than-sliced-bread arrogant, and he was somehow under the impression that she wanted in his pants or---or something like that. Which she definitely would have, did he not have to keep proving how thoroughly he sucked. What had she ever done to deserve continuing to run into such a gorgeous man, only to have him be a complete and total douchebag at each turn? This was basically the worst sort of divine joke ever.

"Alright, you know what? I think I'm going to go board the train now." Meredith's voice was clipped, and she had no problem now showing just how tired she was of him. Forget acting better than the wanker, it wasn't like she'd ever see him again anyway, and forget that there was a good half hour until she actually had to board. "I'm sure you'll get along fine without me, with that ego of yours to keep you company. If you get bored, you can find a mirror, but I have better things to do than talk to you."

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2008-06-22 03:50 am UTC (link)
Pursing his lips in an attempt to hide the smile that was threatening to split onto his face, he had to admit he liked her spark. And he had to give her credit for sticking it out with him as long as she did, because he probably would've brushed right past him, if he had been in her shoes.

"You could board the train," he said, ducking around her. "But despite what you think the size of my ego is, you could stay here with my riveting conversation and devilishly good-looks whilst I do my job."

He was actually kind of a broody fellow with the occasional biting comment and thought his face was a little out of joint, and had essentially given up on paying much attention to the scurrying kids, those that was a lie on three accounts.

"And my ego has actually decided I'm not worth its company. Also, I don't own a mirror."

Which explained the state of his hair today, for certain. While thinking Derek was a fantastic master, his Kneazle also liked to hide and/or bewitch his person effects.

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2008-06-22 04:32 am UTC (link)
"Well, isn't that just unfortunate for you," she answered back disinterestedly. Stubbornly, Meredith crossed her arms over her chest and watched his face as he--for reasons beyond her--seemed to attempt to have her stay. For being so good-looking and such a jerk, he was really a rather strange man. Mostly just rude, though.

Where was Ainsley, anyway? Shouldn't her brother be doing his brotherly duty and saving her from ignorant tossers who gave themselves far too much credit? Or well, at least ignorant tossers who gaves themselves just about as much credit as they deserved and completely lacked a humble gene? Either way, where was he? And where had her friends gone too, for that matter? It was like everyone had conspired beforehand to leave her alone with this ridiculous---oh for fuck's sake, why didn't she know his name?

She turned her head back to him, finally giving up on the fact that she was not going to get any help from anyone that supposedly cared about her. "Give me one good reason why you're worth my time, Mister---what is it?" There, was that subtle?

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2008-06-22 04:43 am UTC (link)
Well, she wasn't sticking her tongue out at him and she wasn't storming away, which were generally good signs regarding the longevity of a conversation. And he was a bit surprised no one had come carting her off from his treacherous hold because she seemed like the bubbly type with many friends, as he seemed to recall from his own years. He really didn't even know what year she was in. Well, he could probably reason it out, but she did look familiar.

"Because I don't care if I'm worth your time or not," he grinned. "And that is precisely the reason why I am worth all kinds of your time."

Should he go for it? Then again, he supposed it didn't really matter.

"And the name's Derek, by the way."

He supposed the DOBBS59335 on his badge didn't help much with the name thing.

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2008-06-22 05:10 am UTC (link)
"Come again?"

She arched an eyebrow at his explanation, at the same time running the words over again in her head to try to make sense of whatever cryptic idea he was trying to get across. It wasn't like she had ever gotten an award for being the brightest crayon on the box, but she still knew when something was said that didn't make any sense at all. Stupid Ridiculously Good-Looking Man, stupid---


Okay, so she hadn't meant to sound so shocked (or look so shocked; she was sure her eyes had widened to the size of saucers), but she---oh shit. Her eyes took a moment to dart between his face and the nametag, putting the pieces together because she knew this man. He wasn't just vaguely familiar anymore, he was---Derek---Derek fucking Dobbs, only the most beautiful man to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts. Only the man she had spent many of her previous school days just a short few years ago swooning over with her friends. Only the---shit shit shit shit---

But he looked so different! Well, not really, but she hadn't seen him in over two years and now he was all mature and grown-up and being a hitwizard and even hotter than she remembered him and holyshitshecouldnotbelievethiswashim. "You have got to be kidding me," she said, now for the second time today.

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2008-06-22 05:17 am UTC (link)
Of all the things he had said to her, the look on her face when he said her name was probably the greatest. But Derek was actually slightly panicked because he wasn't sure what kind of Derek that was. Did she know him? Meredith... that name was familiar, but not familiar in the right kind of sense. Her face was familiar too, but not overly so. There were lots of people that had those features that just made them familiar, right?

"There's no need to say my name like it's some kind of filthy cuss," he said, shelving his momentary worry and plainly enjoying this frazzled state. She was one of the few girls who still managed to be adorable when she was close to tearing out her hair. "And no, I am not joking about my name being Derek."

Christ, but this was a hideously colored robe.

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2008-06-22 03:53 pm UTC (link)
"I--not like a cuss---I mean---I just---"

Look, now he had rendered her completely stupid. She just couldn't quite fathom the idea that the best looking male in Hufflepuff for several years running was the same man that she had been making a habit of running into. The same man she'd spent hours recently ranting about to her roommmates because she just couldn't get over how he could be so arrogant and rude.

Meredith tried her hardest to remember whether or not Derek had been like this in school, but couldn't come up with anything. Not that she actually talked to him back then, but she certainly would have noticed if he was an ass to people, right? It was just one of those things you noticed about people, or got a vibe off of people about or---oy oy oy.

"---I am so glad I never had the guts to talk to you when you were in school."

Oops, she hadn't meant to say that.

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2008-06-22 06:32 pm UTC (link)
His eyes opened wide as he half laughed and half choked. "Why are you glad about that?" And after a half second pause, he added indignantly, "And why do you need guts to talk to me!"

Who was this girl, anyway! He may be an ass on certain days of the week, depending on his robe color and fellow conversationalist's temperament, but he certainly wasn't terrifying. And it's not even like there was the excuse of being a Hit Wizard back then either! This was almost insulting. He was probably the friendliest person he knew.

Well, okay, that was a blatant lie. And he certainly didn't think she had any reason to think he was overly-friendly.

Aw, cripes.

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2008-06-22 07:11 pm UTC (link)
"Be--because!" Meredith sputtered. Was he serious? Did someone with such an ego and self-awareness not understand that girls had a hard time approaching him? She knew he knew he was gorgeous, so what was so confusing? Ugh, boys! They were so dense!

Oh, she hated that he made her so flustered, but it was like every word that came out of his mouth now was only working to heighten her mortification at what she'd just blurted out. Even if he didn't seem to get what she was saying at all. Scoffing, she turned her head to the side and crossed her arms stubbornly over her chest. She could feel the heat radiating off her cheeks, and only hoped that it wasn't half as bright as she felt it must have been.

Meredith cleared her throat, trying to regain any semblance of her former composure. "---Because if you were half as much of an arrogant jackass then as you are now, then I saved myself several years of having to associate with you."

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2008-06-22 09:09 pm UTC (link)
Arrogant jackass! Arrogant jackass! He wasn't-- okay, well, how the hell was she supposed to know that, really. So he really didn't think he had any right to be mad at all for the way he'd been teasing her just now. But what was so wrong with a friendly little jesting, Derek wanted to know, because really, he--oh. Oh, she was blushing. No, she was blushing. Completely distracted, Derek squinted his eyes and looked at her scrutinizingly.

"Why are you blushing?" he asked, incredulously. "I mean, the first sentence I heard you utter contained several words much more profane than 'jackass.'"

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2008-06-23 12:30 am UTC (link)
She could have died, died right then and right there. He--oh christ, she wanted to run away. She would have if she didn't think it would have just made her look stupider than she did already. Meredith searched her brain frantically for anything that she could say to get them off the topic, but to her dismay, came up horribly blank. Stupid bloody Derek Dobbs.

"I'm not blushing," she insisted. Meredith rolled her eyes for effect and continued to avert her gaze from his. "I don't know where you're getting that from, but I'm not blushing."

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2008-06-23 02:41 am UTC (link)
"No, no, you definitely are. Were. Well, it's fainter now," that was a lie, but he was trying to be nice since he had no real sense of tact, "but you definitely were blushing."

She did look distinctly hot under the collar, poor thing, and he really couldn't figure out why. It might have had something to do with the heat, but as far as he knew, the heat didn't give people a massive case of the sputters.

He gave her a wide grin. "But I think it's cute that you get so flustered! Some girls are just too brazen for their own good."

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2008-06-24 01:47 am UTC (link)
He thought it was---it was---AUUUUUUUGH! It took more self-control than Meredith had to not throw her head into her hands and groan in frustration; and so she did, spending a good ten seconds shaking her head back and forth before she looked up at him again.

"I. hate. you!" she fumed at Derek. Seriously! He was insufferable and she couldn't deal with it and---and---Okay, she was leaving. She was getting away from him. She didn't have to deal with him!

Hoisting her purse up on her shoulder, she glared and walked past him. "Goodbye, Mister Dobbs. I do believe that I've had enough of you for one day."

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2008-06-24 02:06 am UTC (link)
He bit his lip so as not to say or do anything to further exacerbate the already exacerbated Meredith. Well, that was after he gave her one last farewell.

"I look forward to our next meeting, my Meredith! Greatly look forward to it," he called after her huffy figure (she even looked cold from the back).

Derek turned back to lean against the column, shaking his head in a bit of wonderment at the girl who had just completely blown him off and he couldn't even bring himself to wipe the smile off his face..

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