All Hallow's Eve (Alpha Flight)
The town of Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada had a population that was close to 5500. It wasn’t a big town in terms of towns, but it had a long history and was in a good location. It sat in Conception Bay protected from the harsh winter storms and not far from St. Johns the capital of the island allowing the town to be a hub for transportation and distribution for the island.
It was Halloween and the residents were celebrating. The children were dressed up and trick-or-treating and some adults were dressed up as well. Some adults dressed up as things from pop culture and some a ghoulish fiends. It was a night of fun for everyone.
Along the shore in the bay a more sinister thing was happening. Dark misshapen figures crawled out of the water and crawled ashore. These were creatures of nightmares and they weren’t costumes. The Deviants, with a few priests, started walking toward the town.
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