The Salvage of my Sanity... - Birthday Present?
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-12-09 11:03
Subject: Birthday Present?
Security: Public

Okay, I don't have an actual recording of this, but this morning, at midnight, I was working on my ME 382 major project with my group. When midnight came around one of my teammates (I'll call him J) turns on his computer to some really heavy bass rap song and started to break dance on the table.

As a birthday present.

Then everyone in the room tried (and failed) to run our machines. It was actually really funny. I think the best part was when I offered to go get some drinks and another teammate (I'll call him A) was all like 'Hey, get me a beer'. And I was all like 'A, you have to wait until tomorrow'.

In the end I went to Mac Minnimin's and got him a pint. And got carded for the first time. XD

*just turned 21*

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my journal
May 2011