Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute - Hunt: Leon and Amelia
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Hunt: Leon and Amelia
Who: Professor Selene Hudson,
What: Searching for monsters
Where: The forest/swamp surrounding the campus.
Rating: Safe For Work

The moisture and the cold were seeping into her boots already, she would have to remember to charm them again once she had a moment to herself. "Watch your step," Professor Selene Hudson warned Leon and Amy as she stepped over a fallen log.

She calmly inspected every snap, step, crack, and rustle that registered in her ears. A loud rustling caught her attention and her arms went out in front of the two students. "Shh," she whispered holding her wand aloft. She inched forward quietly, until she reached the source of the noise, she poked at the underbrush and jumped back when a small creature scurried out from under it.

She jumped back and inhaled deeply. "Oh! Oh, false alarm," she laughed nervously as she realized the creature was just a common raccoon. "Just a raccoon," she shook it off and continued moving along, going deeper into the woods.

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mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 1st, 2011 10:00 pm (UTC) (Link)
Professor Hudson was alright, he supposed. He hadn't ever been involved much with magical creatures, however, so he didn't see much of her either. She was, he thought, a bit over protective. He, at least, was a senior and had dealt with one of these things once already. Amy, though just a junior, was certainly capable of defending herself, being a Sonnier and all.

And neither of them seemed nearly as cautious. Or rather, he didn't think Amy seemed as cautious. Maybe she just hid it well.

"Professor," he started, moving up beside her with a bit of a frown. "We aren't going to find anything at this rate. Also, they like to come from above." He pointed up, pursing his lips a little as he glanced toward the forest canopy. He was going to hit Gael for this, he figured, once back in the dorms. Not that he thought there were more about, but...if there was...well, he didn't want to be out in the woods to find them.
nineofwands From: [info]nineofwands Date: February 4th, 2011 06:48 am (UTC) (Link)
Truth be told, the main reason Amy had signed up for this was so she could see what the mysterious creature that had apparently been hanging around Sonnier looked like for herself. She'd been dying to know. Partially just in case she'd need to know, but mostly to satisfy her curiosity. While she was still a little curious to actually see a Deathmantle (or whatever it was called) for herself, she mostly hoped that they didn't run into one, relieved to see a raccoon instead of something more sinister.

Cringing at Leon's remark that the creature that attacked him liked to attack from above, she looked up in reaction, holding her wand, lit with a Lumos spell, upwards to get a better look.

"It's kind of hard to get a good look up there." she said plainly.
crescentcitynpc From: [info]crescentcitynpc Date: February 6th, 2011 03:06 am (UTC) (Link)
"You can never be too safe!" was her plucky reply. She gave a nervous laugh and nodded. "You're right about the creature that attacked you Mr. Shaw but there are many dangers in the woods at night," she reminded him.

She turned her attention to the canopy and cast a ball of light from her wand. "There we go," she said guiding the ball with her wand. "Much better."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 8th, 2011 08:35 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yes, which is precisely why we are walking into the woods." He rolled his eyes again. This was such a terrible idea. Still, he rubbed his nose and glanced up into the trees before looking back at Amy and shrugging.

"Would still keep one eye up there." He suggested to her, giving the canopy another wary glance. Turning he carefully started moving forward, eyes dancing back and forth as much as they could in an effort to keep his eyes on as much as he could at one time.
nineofwands From: [info]nineofwands Date: February 11th, 2011 06:47 am (UTC) (Link)
Amy didn't know if this was Professor Hudson's usual demeanor, but she seemed nervous (and for a teacher, not exactly the brightest bulb in the box, though that could have been an effect of being nervous), which wasn't making Amy feel any safer.

It was a pain trying to keep an eye out for anything above and watching where she was going, but she kept on without complaining. The light from her wand soon fell upon something not too far ahead. Ugh, a dead animal, looked like an owl from where she was standing.

"Watch out, dead owl right in front of you." she warned.
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