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Sam Weaver ([info]angryarcher) wrote,
@ 2012-01-22 14:50:00

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Random Scenario Meme 6/Angst-10
Sam woke up in the YJLA Med lab, his body was hurting everywhere. It took him a few moments to remember exactly why that was and when he did remember he just wished that he could forget again. He had been fighting that guy who that he should be the new Onomatopoeia. At first it seemed to him like h could win that fight easy not problem.

But then that all changed he had just been toying with him and it only took a few moments of Onomatopoeia really fighting him to realize he had been in over his head. He kept thinking why wouldn't this guy just end it already and stop just playing around.

The last thing he remembered seeing before finally blacking out was several different colored arrows flying at Onomatopoeia letting him know that help had come for him.

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2012-01-22 06:48 pm UTC (link)
"Good morning sunshine," Huntress said as she noticed Sam starting to stir. She got up out of the chair next to his bedside and leaned over so he could see her without having to move. "How are you feeling?"

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2012-01-23 01:32 am UTC (link)
Sam gave a clearly pained grin. "Like I just got hit by an eighteen wheeler."

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