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cabotine - [Private to Upper Academy Students]
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[Private to Upper Academy Students]
Owwww >.<

Went out with Tim tonight to check some Muggle homeless shelters for mom. It's always possible that her disappearance is unrelated to the others since she does this anyway... Didn't turn up anything, but I managed to trip as I was walking next to him and christ my head on the wall of the building we were next to. I know I can trip over my own feet, but I swear I didn't even do that this time. Normally I can feel it when it's my own foot, but this caught me completely by surprise.

I guess I should be more careful...

But I really, really don't remember it being my foot... and there was nothing else in the way. except for... Tim ...nah, it could have been anything.

But my head really hurts and this is going to bruise like a bitch. I can just feel it.
studiesallnight From: [info]studiesallnight Date: June 8th, 2011 10:09 pm (UTC) (Link)

[Private to Ro]

Did you see any blonds with three inch heels while you were there?
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: June 9th, 2011 10:43 pm (UTC) (Link)

[Private to Bekka]

Um, no I didn't but I honestly wasn't really looking past it being my mom or not. If you give me a picture I can look for her in the future? I wouldn't mind at all.
studiesallnight From: [info]studiesallnight Date: June 9th, 2011 10:57 pm (UTC) (Link)

[Private to Bekka]


She clicks her tongue when she's nervous, and wears high heels when she's trying to show off to her friends she wears crazy as fuck heels. ...last I know, she was going out to lunch with her old girlfriends.
From: (Anonymous) Date: February 17th, 2014 10:45 am (UTC) (Link)


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Name: cabotine
Back October 2011
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