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superequation ([info]superequation) wrote,
@ 2008-01-15 11:55:00

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When I was 16, I met my best friend, Jen. It was our first day at a new school (it was only for juniors and seniors by application), and we were incredibly nervous, knowing almost no one and having to present two artworks each that we had created over the summer break to a room full of strangers for critique, with many students (including Jen) living away from home for the first time. She came over and complimented my work, and I complimented her purple vinyl pants - instant friendship. We got very close during those last two years of high school, and continued to see each other regularly after graduation. As we grew up and each made a lot of mistakes and went through very hard times, we supported each other. In October of 2011, over 10 years after we met, I helped my best friend get married as a co-maid of honor at her wedding, which these photos are from - and she will be doing the same for me at my wedding in August 2011. I know I can rely on her no matter what, and our bond is as strong as anything tested by hardships and joys can be. I love her dearly, and I know we will be friends well into old age.

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