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Biography: Deirdre [Oct. 17th, 2010|05:25 pm]
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Name: Deirdre (posing as Séreméla 'Sera' Arnatuilë)
Gender/Preference: Female, Straight (but not when it benefits her)
Student/Scholar/Graduate: N/A
Residence: New Meridian
Familiar: N/A
Magical abilities:

Personality: Deirdre has always been temperamental, somewhat codependent, and annoying. She is quite the actress and a lot about her is an illusion (impressive for someone with no magical abilities).
Weaknesses: Elliot.
Secrets: That she has stolen Séreméla's identity.

Biography: Deirdre has been posing as Séreméla for many years now and has yet to be caught. As part of Elliot's plan to steal the throne she has been dating Ginevra Graves to infiltrate the family.

Inksome summary: Elliot (posing as Alexzander Albertine) randomly checked in on Deirdre here and there. Their relationship is still tumultuous though she still insisted on following through with the plan.

Though Maeglin was not her actual son, she had been raising him for a long time and was reasonably distraught over his death. He did anything she asked and even helped her and Elliot with their plans. Deirdre was happy to hear that Alexzander (trapped in Elliot's body) was executed for murdering Maeglin.

Deirdre tried her best to maintain her cover but Ginevra began to suspect something was up and their relationship ended.