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Welcome to the Tamagotchi Ocean! I am an avid collector of virtual pets, including the original Japanese Tamagotchi. Have a look around at my collection, comment and feel free to ask any and all questions. News updates, logs and other virtual pet information can be found below! :) Have a great day!
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The Tamagotchi Ocean! - 8 in 1 Mini pets
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8 in 1 Mini pets
Just like the Gyaoppi, this one has multiple pets in 1 that you can choose from. Only this time it's 8 instead of 9. This one plays a lot of music for some reason. Like when you play a game or take it for a walk. It's one of the first virtual pets I've ever owned and I have to say it's definitely the most unique! While I think somethings could be improved on, it's a pretty good multi-pet. I give it a 7 out of 10 on a scale of 1-10. Don't let the name fool you though. It is actually nothing like the gyaoppi and has very different navigations and interface. There are actual different 8 in 1's made with different characters, different animations and different shell designs. Some are called "octopets" or other similar names that imply more than one pet.

Here is a picture of the one I currently own:


When I first purchased one of these at a department store about over a decade ago, they ran for about $12. I am seeing many of the on eBay going for about $10-15+plus shipping which usually ranges from $5-10.

Minipets Growth Chart

Please bare with me while I find a growth chart.

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Current Mood: cheerful

From: (Anonymous) Date: August 20th, 2012 10:05 pm (UTC) (Link)


where we can buy it in france?
tamagotchis From: [info]tamagotchis Date: August 20th, 2012 10:38 pm (UTC) (Link)

Re: where

I doubt you could find it in any retail stores these days because this particular pet is no longer being manufactured. Ebay would be your best bet. Here is a link to some ebay search results:

Right now there aren't many available via those search terms, but if you do a little digging with different terms you may come upon some others. Hope that helps!
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