Event Stuffers!
Okay people~ Just to let you know that next week is Thanksgiving! You were all thinking of Christmas already weren't you?
Anyway! For Thanksgiving we're having a FEAST EVENT~ Yuuup.
Starting Wednesday the 25th and ending on Sunday the 29th there will be a Thanksgiving dinner taking place in the Crossroads fields. The grass will be cut for the time being and a nice long-ass table filled with all your favorite foods will be on it. There will also be a fire going on and Native American-esque tents and such around. You have the option of having your character shoved in a Pilgrim or Indian outfit if that suits your fancy (Zack wearing a feather and loin cloth anyone~~?) but otherwise wear whatever you want, bring all your friends and family, give thanks and have fun~ It is a holiday! ! ....A American one and more than half of the characters are not but whatever we are so we'll celebrate.
Feel free to make any suggestions to make this event better!
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