A Lunch Date With a Redhead
Arthur had been looking forward to this since they had made plans the last time they had lunch. Thankfully he had been keeping busy and hadn't had much time to count the days until he saw Mera again. Things with his wife, ex-wife, were hopeful. Arthur wanted nothing more than to be with her again and he didn't even care if it were in Atlantis or not. She was what mattered, nothing else.
He sat in the small bistro in Metropolis sipping a beer. There was still ten minutes to go until the scheduled meeting time and he didn't mind waiting. Having a cold beer was a good way to pass the time, though he had to stop looking at the clock every few seconds. Time was not going to go any faster.
The League had reformed. Arthur didn't think it would considering the events leading to its disbanding, but he was happy they were back together. Even if Batman had already left. There would always be someone else to fill the spot.
Sub Diego was coming along nicely and didn't require all of his attention these days. Things were shaping up and life was settling down in the underwater city.
Arthur was a man at ease at the moment.
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