Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 28th, 2011

(no subject) @ 07:31 pm


Characters: Jenny, Ella, Sera, Tatum, Hendrix, & Mack!
Setting: Saturday, October 1st; Lakeside Orchards in Manchester, Maine.
Rating: Theoretically SFW.
Summary: Sera and Jenny have decided to play match-makers and set up a cute group date for their sisters. Except they didn't really tell them.

Jenny had been anxious all week, struggling to keep in her giggles mostly, as she and Sera plotted and planned their weekend, keeping most of the details vague. She hadn't said anything to Ella, and with Hendrix sworn to secrecy, that was no problem. Keeping Mack quiet was easy, and though Tatum groaned and griped, Sera assured her that she would come so long as she didn't catch wind of what they were up to. It was all going just as they planned. If someone didn't know better, they would swear the two girls were up to something much more devious than a trip to an apple orchard.

But all sneaking around aside, she was positive that it was going to be the perfect date day.

When Saturday morning finally came, Jenny buzzing with energy and was up before Ella, getting to be the one to jump onto the other girl's bed and wake her up for once. She still kept the details quiet, just telling her sister to get ready and dress warm and meet her and Sera down in the common room in an hour. She sent Hendrix a quick text with details on Flooing to Maine on his own from Shawnee, and then did the same for Mack. It wouldn't be any good to ruin the surprise before they even all got there.

There was also the fact that Sera had assured her that if Tatum knew Mack was going, the redhead would probably dig her heels into the sand and refuse to join them. How were they supposed to get them to bond if she didn't come? Secrecy was key.

Once Tatum joined the three of them in the Quirank common room, a few minutes late and looking a mix of half asleep and entirely stoned, it was only a few more minutes before they were stepping into the familiar green flames. She and Sera had arranged everything with the usual detail they put into their work, and the Floo station that they emerged at was only a short walk away from the orchard itself. It was a surprisingly crisp fall day when they arrived, and seeing Mack and Hendrix were already waiting since Tatum had been late, Jenny took a deep steadying breath. It was now or never. "Guys, over here!" she called, waving the other two down and ignoring the confused looks on both Tatum and Ella's face.
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Date: September 28th, 2011 08:42 pm (UTC)

Mid-Morning [10am - 12pm]

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Date: September 28th, 2011 09:24 pm (UTC)


Hendrix had been excited for apple picking all week and it only got better when he everyone else showed up. He practically bounded over to the girls with a big smile and his hands shoved in his pockets. "Hi!" he said brightly, a little uncharacteristic of himself. "Did you get a good start El?"
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Date: September 28th, 2011 09:38 pm (UTC)


Ella had still been yawning as they stepped out of the floo but she stopped mid yawn when she spotted Hen and Mack in the distance. This wasn't just a sister thing? As Hendrix came in speaking distance Ella gave him a shy smile. She wished she'd known, then she would have worn something cuter. "Wow, I've never seen you in a sweater before!" she said.
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Date: September 28th, 2011 09:42 pm (UTC)


"Oh yeah," he said pulling at his sweatshirt with a shy grin. His brothers were always picking on him for wearing 'old man' clothes, the thought had him suddenly blushing. "Jenny told me it was gonna be cold," he said. "I see you decked out little Maurey!" he said brightly.
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Date: September 28th, 2011 11:41 pm (UTC)


Stepping out of the Floo, Sera immediately knew she was in Maine. The cool autumn air hit her face, even as she was still regaining her balance and pulling back on her hat and glasses she took off before entering the flames back at school. It was quite a difference from what they left in Georgia.

She couldn't help but take in a deep breath of the fresh New England air as she stood looking over towards Mack and Hendrix who had already arrived, just a short distance away. She really hoped her's and Jenny's plan was going to be a success. She waved over to her two friends but had to stop walking abruptly when she stumbled into Tatum who had stopped moving forward altogether. "What are you doing? Keep walking, your dates waiting?" She urged her older sister, giving her a slight push forward.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 11:16 am (UTC)


Tatum hadn't really been paying that much attention, inhaling and enjoying the Maine air deeply just as her sister had done. But when Jenny yelled over, and her eyes followed the blonde's gesturing, the redhead froze in place. She just stared, eyes slightly wide and palms already beginning to sweat.

"You didn't," she muttered disbelievingly as Sera rammed into her back and tried to give her a shove. And then dropped the date word on her. She should have known it was a set-up, what else could she expect from the two of them? Turning on her heel, she gave Sera a little push back before stepping around her and stalking back toward the fireplace they had come out of a few moments before. "I'm going home."
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Date: October 1st, 2011 07:11 pm (UTC)


When Tatum stepped around her Sera reached out and grabbed her sister by the back of her school bag, pulling her backwards until she could get between the redhead and the Floo. "You're not going anywhere." She informed Tatum, calmly, but rather matter of factly.

She should just in front of the floo with her arms crossed, the were back a little ways from the rest of the group now. "Look I should have told you but I didn't think you'd come. I just want us to all have a fun day, I'm not asking you to be her girlfriend." She paused for a second, but continued before Tatum had a chance to speak.

"Just relax and give her a chance, I get it, you're straight and don't worry none of us are going to run back to school and tell people you hung out with a lesbian. So stop being stupid, turn around and lets go have some fun." She huffed, finishing her rant a little out a breath, she planted her hands on her hips, hold in ground between Tatum and the fireplace.
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Date: September 28th, 2011 08:43 pm (UTC)

Noon [12pm - 1pm]

♥ Picnic time!
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Date: September 28th, 2011 09:31 pm (UTC)


Generally speaking, Tatum guessed she couldn't complain. It was really nice out, just the kind of autumn days she usually loved, and the food that Jenny and Sera had brought actually hadn't been so bad. She had been expecting something entirely healthy and lame, but having food to cater to the twins picky tastes actually helped her out too. Tatum was pretty sure that Jenny had probably packed most of it, but that was mostly just because she really didn't feel like giving Sera any credit. In fact, she really didn't feel like giving the younger girl anything but a good slap upside the head.

She was ready to kill her sister for setting her up like this, and then to turn around and try to call it a date. And to tell Mack that it was a stupid date, and then have the girl show up with flowers. The redhead had been so embarrassed. She had been put into a trap, but she was stuck now. After the scene earlier, with Sera pulling her back out of the Floo by her backpack as she tried to escape upon seeing Mack in the station, there was really no sense in fighting it. She was trapped, and would just have to make the best of the day. It was only for a little while.

But so far it had been hard to avoid hanging around Mack all morning, and it seemed like no matter what she did, every time that she turned around the blonde was right there. She thought she was so smooth, just grinning and trying to chat her up, but Tatum wasn't having it. Even during lunch, though she had chosen to sit on the opposite side of the picnic blanket from the other girl, the blonde still just had that stupid smug look on her face.

Right then, Tatum had wandered off on her own for a bit, hands shoved into the pockets of her shorts and her headphones hanging loosely around her neck. She wasn't really feeling like being a part of the group right then anyway, after Jenny had shouted shrilly at her for throwing an apple at the back of Sera's head while she was cleaning up from lunch. It was just an apple, it wasn't like she was going to take her eye out, despite what the blonde said. She hadn't even thrown it that hard.. it was just a love tap.

Sighing, the redhead found a particularly full looking tree and flopped down under neath it. She made a little face as a few apples dug into her back, but she quickly shoved them aside to get comfortable in the grass, staring up at the sky. If she wasn't stuck with Sera and Mack, it might actually be a really perfect day.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 12:32 pm (UTC)


Picking apples was hard work and Ella was more conscious about being totally sweaty in front of Hendrix. She'd excused herself to freshen up, tossing her scarf and sweater and wandering aimlessly with Maurey at her heels. Ella stopped Tatum easily enough and skipped over to the redhead with a grin.

"I didn't think you hit Sera very hard" she joked.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 01:07 pm (UTC)


Tatum had been pretty relaxed in the peace and quiet, letting her eyes slide closed and stay that way for a while. Maybe she'd just nap in the field until everyone had enough and was ready to go home. When Ella spoke, her eyes opened and for a split second she thought Jenny had come to tell her to grow up more, but Maurey gave it away. Thank goodness.

"Right?" Tatum replied, smiling weakly and scooting over and patting the ground beside her. Ella hadn't been set up with someone insufferable, but she had still been set up. They could relate. "She deserved it anyway, she's a twat," the redhead lamented.
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Date: October 1st, 2011 08:52 pm (UTC)


Mackenzie had decided to back off over lunch and recuperate, Tatum had been shutting her down at every opportunity. She had even ran away from her when everyone had crowded around the picnic table for lunch. Now she was sitting next to Sera, shooting glances down the table at Tatum as they ate. She was just a little discouraged, she had been really nice to the girl all morning. There hadn't even been any crude comments or teasing.

She took a bite out of her apple and glanced over at Sera who was sitting to her left. She felt pathetic having to ask Sera constantly for advice on how to win over her sister, she was the mother fucking Mack Daddy. She shouldn't have to ask some kid for advice, but here she was once again ready to pick the younger girl's brain for anything that might get her an in.

"So, what the hell is up with your sister?" She asked, taking a more violent bite out of her apple. She shot another glance down the table at Tatum and caught her glaring in her direction. Winking at her and giving her a large smile, she gave the girl a small wave. "I've been the perfect gentlemen all day and she's acting like I just walked up to her and stuck my hand down her pants."
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Date: October 1st, 2011 09:24 pm (UTC)


Sera couldn't believe how Tatum was acting, it wasn't exactly how she hoped the day would go but there was still time to turn it around, in her opinion. The brunette reached into the basket Jenny had packed and pulled out another half of sandwich, glaring down the table at Tatum around the basket as she did.

Mack was sitting to her right, and Jenny was to her left busy talking to Ella and Hendrix. She was trying really hard to think of something to say to Mackenzie, some kind of words of encouragement but she was kind of at a loss. She turned quickly to face Mack, turning her back slightly in Tatum's direction. "I have no idea, I think she's just being a bitch on purpose, to ruin my day or something."

Seeing Mack wink at Tatum she turned and looked at Tatum's expression and couldn't help but giggle, covering her hands over her mouth to try and hide it. "I know you have, you haven't even made that many dirty jokes or anything, total gentleman. She's probably just afraid to be nice to you because she wishes you would do that." Sera laughed, turning and smirking at her sister again and back to Mack.
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Date: October 1st, 2011 10:22 pm (UTC)


Mackenzie just smirked smugly at Sera's words, it made her feel a little bit better. "She's got that stick shoved pretty far up her ass," She took another bite of her apple and glanced up again at Tatum. She was almost positive that she saw the girl's eyes flick in her direction again, but it wasn't as long as before. "Correct me if I'm wrong dear little sister, but in your experience, shouldn't someone who wishes that someone would do that be nice to the person they want to do that with?"

Mackenzie took a drink of the water she had grabbed and looked back to Sera. "I'm kinda at a loss for what to do here kid," she continued, frowning slightly. "I don't know how much longer I can be nice if she's going to act like a little brat." She spoke the last four word loudly, knowing that Tatum could hear her. If the kid was really that upset that she was here, and was going to be rude to her, she might as well be rude back.

"It's immature," she finished, regarding her apple core for a second before chucking it over everyone's head.
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Date: September 28th, 2011 08:44 pm (UTC)

Afternoon [1pm - 3pm]

Educational tour time for the nerds.
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Date: September 28th, 2011 10:19 pm (UTC)


By the time that they had finished eating and it was time for her and Sera to go on their tour, Jenny was more than ready to go. Things were going all right, but definitely not perfect and she would have been lying if she said she wasn't a touch discouraged. She guessed she had known from the start that Tatum and Mack might not go on so smoothly, but the redhead seemed to be in a real piss about the whole time. Since the minute they had gotten to the orchard, her face had looked as if they had just run over her cat or something.

Sighing a little, but trying to keep positive, Jenny leaned over and gave Sera's side a little squeeze as they walked back through the orchard and toward the farm. "Is your head okay?" she asked, half-seriously. She didn't think the other girl had been hit that hard, and maybe she had overreacted a little in yelling at her sister, but it had just sort of come out. It was in her nature to be the one giving people scoldings when they really needed them, they just came out. She could let a lot slide, but that had just irritated her. "At least her aim is pretty terrible?"
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Date: October 1st, 2011 06:56 pm (UTC)


"Yeah it's okay." Sera shrugged, reaching up and rubbing the spot where she was hit. "She didn't hit me that hard, just stung for a minute." She smiled at her girlfriend and grabbed her hand, swinging them as they walked. It really was a really great day, apart from Tatum who had been a royal pain. The brunette expected her to not be too fond on calling it the day a date but she figured that if they were all having fun Tatum would at least be nice to Mack.

She stopped and took Jenny by her other hand pulling her towards her. "Thanks for standing up for me back there by the way." Sera kinda laughed, looking down at Jenny. She was pretty sexy when she was angry. "I don't think she expected it." She grinned again. "I don't think my sister's ever seen you yell like that before."
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Date: October 1st, 2011 09:31 pm (UTC)


Jenny smiled fondly as Sera swung their hands between them, and she twined their fingers together. "Mmm, you're welcome," the blonde replied quietly, letting herself be pulled in and looking up at the younger girl. "You're so tough," she joked, leaning up a bit to kiss the brunette's cheek.

At the mention of get outburst at Tatum, the older girl began to fume all over again, her face scrunched up. "Well, she should be more careful! She could have really hurt you, I just.. I don't know, it was rude! Sisters shouldn't hit each other," the blonde rambled, freeing her hands from Sera's briefly and using them to gesture. "She's almost nineteen, she needs to grow up."
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Date: September 28th, 2011 11:45 pm (UTC)


Mackenzie had just about had it with this whole trip, she figured she should have known it was a bad idea when Sera had texted her on Tuesday. She figured things had gone pretty well between the two of them since they had ran into each other in the aftermath of parents weekend. At least the redhead hadn't seemed extremely cheesed about the party anymore, and they had even managed to have a conversation where the blonde didn't piss the other girl off. She had thought that at most, Tatum would be angry at first and then just tolerate her like usual. Mackenzie had obviously thought wrong, Tatum had been a royal bitch to everyone since realizing that the blonde was accompanying them. It wasn't like Mackenzie had said anything horrid to her either, she had been on her best behavior all day. There might have been a little bit of teasing, but other than that, she had tried to keep her usual tricks to a minimum.

When it came time for the tour Mackenzie had opted out, choosing instead to take a walk through the orchard. She was debating on just bailing on the whole trip. Tatum obviously didn't want to be here with her, and made it violently clear that she was not pleased at how the day was going. She really didn't think the other girl would mind if she left, in fact, she would probably be happy to be rid of her.

She decided after wandering for a few minutes that she would climb up a tree, smoke a few cigarettes and then probably depart. Sera would most likely yell at her later but she was done being pushed around by some pipsqueak kid who was having identity issues. Climbing methodically until she found a nice branch to rest on, she leaned her back against the trunk with her leg dangling off the side. Lighting one of the cigarettes that she had brought along, she closed her eye's and snuggled down into her scarf. It was starting to get chilly, and she was glad she had brought her hoodie as well. She sighed as she took another drag of the cigarette and began humming to herself. At least it was a nice day outside, and she was kind of digging this whole hanging out in a tree business. She grabbed an apple of a nearby branch and munched on it happily, feeling like today could still be a good day. She could go back to school, clean up and maybe go out and find something to distract her.

"Bombs away!" She crowed, dropping the now apple core from her seat on the branch.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 11:26 am (UTC)


One of Tatum's favorite parts of apple picking, and a habit that drive her step-mother insane when she was with them, was wasting apples. She and Sera surprisingly both agreed on it, that a tree needed to be tested before you bothered to pick it. If you tasted an apple and it was gross, try the next tree, and so on. Since arriving that morning, Tatum had wasted and taken single bites out of about twenty different apples, tossing them over her shoulder after finishing.

Her step-mom was always telling her how immature it was, just grow up and pick the apples, but she had never really outgrown it. Biting apples and discarding them was half of the fun, it made her feel like a kid again. She had been doing it long enough, after all.

She had been straining, standing on her tip-toes with her headphones over her ears, trying to reach an apple just beyond the grasp of her fingertips. Why did she have to be so short again? At least the twins were around to make her feel less tiny.

Grunting in frustration, the redhead finally managed to pluck the offending apple down. She rubbed it onto the front of her shirt, and then prepared to take her bite, when suddenly an apple core bounced off of the top of her head. She stared blankly at it, before following it's flight path and looking up to the tree it came from, she frowned. "Oh it's you," she said quietly, lowering her headphones to her neck so she could hear the older girl.

"I didn't even hit her that hard so you can like, stop throwing shit at me or whatever. She deserved it.."
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Date: September 29th, 2011 07:11 pm (UTC)


Mackenzie wasn't expecting to hear Tatum's voice below her after she dropped the apple core, and she was extremely put off by the other girl's tone. She had been so hopeful at having a decent day a moment ago, and yet fate had stepped in once again, delivering the redhead right to her doorstep. She decided that if Tatum was going to treat her like a scum bag when she had been trying all day to be nice, she was going to just give in to what the other girl clearly saw her as. Stubbing out her cigarette she smirked smugly, knowing exactly the kind of reaction she was going to get.

"Look out below!" She yelled, cackling happily as she launched herself from the branch into open space. She hadn't climbed that far up into the tree, she had fallen farther from her broom during Quidditch, but it was still far enough to make a scene. Crashing through the branches a little, she managed to land almost on top of Tatum.

Picking herself up off the ground, she brushed off her sweater a little bit and adjusted her scarf. Grinning obnoxiously, she cocked her head to the side and stared at Tatum. "You need to chill out kiddo," she informed the other girl, she reached out and ruffled Tatum's hair by way of messing with her hat. "Sera didn't do 'nothing wrong, you're bein' a poor sport. It's not like anyone is forcing you to like, sleep with me or marry me or anything."
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Date: September 28th, 2011 11:23 pm (UTC)

Late Afternoon [3pm - 5pm]

Getting ready to go home for the day!
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Date: September 28th, 2011 11:53 pm (UTC)


It had been a good day but then again, he couldn't think of any time he didn't enjoy when he was around Ella, the thought had his cheeks flushing a deep crimson. He had to brush the thought aside and went back to riffling through a bag of cider donuts for an afternoon snack before they headed home for the day.

Once he found the perfect donut, he laid back in the grass, surrounded by bags of apples and enjoyed the cinnamon and cider goodness of his donut. "So good," he said closing his eyes a little.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 10:03 pm (UTC)


Their day was almost over before Jenny finally caved in and removed the jacket that she had been wearing unzippered most of the day. Especially after spending the last hour or so touring the whole farm. Though the breeze had been cool, the sun beating down on them really didn't do much for keeping things chilly. She, like most everyone except for Tatum, was feeling a little overly warm in what she had chosen to wear.

She was peering around to see where Sera had gone, going to ask the other girl to let her put her jacket away into her backpack, when she spotted Hen sitting down with his donuts instead. Making her way over, the blonde stood over him and smiled. "Good, right?" she asked of his baked goods. "We had these like, apple cinnamon roll things on the tour, they were amazing!"

With another cursory glance around, she still didn't see Sera yet, and so she tossed her jacket down onto the grass beside Hendrix instead. She gently sat down on it, leaning back on her hands. "Did you have a good day?" she asked, with a little quirk of a grin.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 11:20 pm (UTC)


Hendrix smiled up at Jenny. "That sounds delicious," he said giving his stomach a good pat. "I've been promised a delicious apple pie later but I have to help make it," he grinned.

He looked at her carefully, trying not to blush. "I did," he nodded. "Did you enjoy your day?" he asked looking back at the sky and trying not to let Jenny see the gentle reddening of his cheeks.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry