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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote,
@ 2013-02-11 01:23:00

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Warded to Seth!
I took Brandon to the hospital because of a fever and he's fine and I told Heidi to stay home, why did I tell her to stay home?

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2013-02-11 04:20 am UTC (link)
Because you are an awesome dad that can handle a little fever on his own?

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2013-02-11 04:22 am UTC (link)
But if she'd come, she would've been in the hospital when her fever spiked and now I've wasted hours of her getting treated because I told her to stay home! And now she's in the hospital!

With the fever I could have prevented!

And Bran's fine!

I should have brought her sooner!

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2013-02-11 04:41 am UTC (link)
Whoa, slow down. And breathe. I get the distinct feeling you are not breathing.

Can you tell me what is going on from the beginning? Or do I just need to come to Mungo's?

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2013-02-11 11:54 pm UTC (link)
I---I-----I--- Just come to Mungo's!

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