Roller Coaster of FAIL
Gummi ships and PoTC level in Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm probably the only person who repeatedly failed trying to actually get to a world because of the damn gummi ships. By failed I mean failed repeatedly. *head desks* I just fail at that part of the game and I like Pirates but this level suuuuuucks. I mean great I have to get the fucking medallion back but I can't hurt them if they're not in the moonlight and my stupid party members keep fighting them out of the moonlight while I try to drag them to the moonlight.
Then I had to kick gunpowder kegs off the ship and I couldn't get to them or something like that. So yeah Vi's going to have to do that level for me. Because I had rage times ten and threw the controller and stalked out like a pouting four-year-old.
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