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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-10-18 04:03:00

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Current mood: sleepy
Current music:ac/dc
Entry tags:baseball

The Offical Campaign to Forbid TBS From Ever Showing Another Playoff Game Ever
So nice I have to mention it twice!


This speaks truth.

Something both Rays fans (me) and Red Sox fans (that blog) can wholeheartedly agree on (other than Yankees hate). We should team up to launch the TBS announcers into the sun. And Frank, too. We should have done that today if that were to be effective for tomorrow's game though. I wish there was some way TBS could know how many household televisions are on mute because their announcing is atrocious.

I pledge this, humble sirs and madames:

Have Rays-oriented commentary in this area (free Dewayne and Joe PLEASE). Have Red Sox-oriented commentary in the New England area. Everywhere else gets a couple of unbiased, intelligent announcers. All should know WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. These guys on TBS? They have absolutely no fucking clue. They think we win games because of catwalks and our former sucky GM WHO HASN'T BEEN WITH THE TEAM IN TWO YEARS (ROFL), they think the Sox win their games because David Ortiz is clutch and the green monster (also ROFL).

thank god for radio broadcast, that shit is going on mute.

edit: I think, with all goofiness intended, that this series will also decide who wins the presidency. You heard it here first. Guess who represents who (the colors match up to party colors). If that happens I'll be all like :O :O :O :O haha.

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2008-10-18 09:32 am UTC (link)
Even though I know nothing about baseball, I can only imagine how annoying it must be to have announcers that don't know what they're talking about. I suppose the only thing that comes to mind in my case is the time I was taken to a Photoshop seminar in my Graphic Design class and I knew more than the "expert." :\

I lol'd at the mention of the borg and the highly advanced technology being a notebook. xD

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2008-10-18 08:03 pm UTC (link)
That article was great. XD

It also reminds me when I was with Metromix and the managing editor didn't (and still doesn't) know jack squat about editing. How many cocks do these people have to suck and how many asses do they have to kiss to get to where they are? They sure didn't get there by merit, that's what.

*starts building rocketship with a one-way destination for the sun*

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