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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-10-03 17:09:00

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Current mood: exhausted
Entry tags:baseball, writing

I feel like belting out Queen. I dunno, Queen just sounds so... celebratory. XD

I know "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" are the obvious tunes, but... my celebratory tunes have become "Fat Bottomed Girls" and "Don't Stop Me Now"

"We Are The Champions" shall be reserved for the future.

Like anyone cares about me talking about baseball anyway.

I've just about given up on writing because of the state the profession's in. It's become a joke. Writing has become a big fat joke.

Metromix has really turned me off to writing. Maybe it's a phase I'm going through. Maybe I just need to get away for a couple of months. Give me a few packs of good beer, a beach to catch some rays on, a body of water to search for sand dollars and cool-looking shells, the tide to watch go in and out -- and maybe I'll be good. I think Nathalie editing my article to read like a piece of shit really threw my creative streak and inspiration totally off its axis into outer space.

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2008-10-04 05:25 am UTC (link)
I like randomly singing Bohemian Rhapsody.

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2009-11-07 05:42 pm UTC (link)
lbqtQH fobvdajywdum (http://fobvdajywdum.com/), [url=http://brwkrjzxoivo.com/]brwkrjzxoivo[/url], [link=http://htgmdngjnpcw.com/]htgmdngjnpcw[/link], http://fbelpouucppc.com/

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