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Previous Entry Aug. 17th, 2009 @ 01:11 am Next Entry
"Even in it's present state you can observe the advanced mechanics present in the rocket's construction. The shielding, while it did unfortunately fail..."

A teenager, Peter Parker,  snapped off a few pictures as the scientist talked. True, just being here would knock him a few rungs down the popularity ladder, that is if had ever managed to go up it at all, but he wasn't going to let what people like Flash Thompson thought about him keep him from doing the things he was interested in, especially if said thing was studying the Fantastic Four’s crashed ship.

As Peter looked over the craft, something slipped out of it unnoticed: A spider, one that had climbed aboard the rocket before it had launched and miraculously managed to avoid being crushed in both the crash or during the ships transport to Empire State University. It remained unnoticed even as it crawled up Peter’s body, and onto his hand, right up until it sunk it’s fangs into Peter’s hand.

“GAH!!” Peter yelled, reacting in pain, tossing the spider with a fling of his hand. As the rest of the small group of people stared, Peter explained “Spider bit me,” and sheepishly exited.

Smooth, Parker,” Peter thought to himself as he started to head home. As he crossed the street, and tingle shot up his spine, and he leaped, jumping out of the way of the car that had nearly hit him and climbing partway up a wall.

"...I'm climbing. a spider? Humans beings can't do this. They can't! What's happening to me?"

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Date: August 18th, 2009 01:29 am (UTC)
As more abilities made themselves, as his strength, speed, and agility increasing to superhuman levels, he began to believe he could profit of his new talents. Looking at the news paper, he saw his chance: $1000 dollars to whoever could defeat Crusher Hogan in the ring.

As Peter sat in the car with his Uncle, who was under the impression the teenager was going to study the library across from the wresting venue, he spoke up.

"Uncle Ben, if you could do something, and you could do it better than anyone else, it wouldn't be wrong to cash in on your talents, right?"
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Date: August 27th, 2009 04:24 am (UTC)
Ben looks over the wheel of the car. His reflexes are not what they used to be. "Well, Peter, we all have our powers," he says, referencing the comic books the pair had poured over for hours throughout Peter's childhood. "But with great power comes great responsibility."
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 12:57 am (UTC)
Once at the Venue, Peter Paused, his Uncle's words flittig through his mind, but ultimately he chose to ignore them, and went inside.

"Introducing the Amazinfg Spider-Man!" Shouted the announcer to the crowd. Privately, he questioned the webhead, "You sure about this kid? I mean, I like the gimmick, but it's worthless if Crusher crushes ya."

"Hey, he may be big, but he's ugly, dumb, ugly, got bad b.o., ugly, has bad fashion sense, ugly, and did I mention he's ugly?"
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 01:04 am (UTC)
"Hey!" Crusher snarls. "...I don't have bad B.O.!"
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 01:14 am (UTC)
"Dude, I can smell you from here!"
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 01:17 am (UTC)
"I'm gonna smash you, you scrawny twerp!" Crusher pantomimes picking up the kind and breaking him over his knee.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 01:30 am (UTC)
"Do it and the Hulk will sue you for copyright infringement."
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 01:32 am (UTC)
Crusher snarls. He's looking forward to tossing this punk around.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 01:44 am (UTC)
The crowd begins to shout. "CAGE! CAGE! CAGE! CAGE!"

"Wait, what?" Peter looks up at the lowering cage.

"...maybe insulting him wasn't such a good idea..."

And the bell rings.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 02:30 am (UTC)
The wrestler leaps at his costumed opponent.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 02:37 am (UTC)
And the costumed opponent leaps as well. Straight up to near the top of the cage.

"Just a little slow there Crush."
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 04:18 am (UTC)
Crusher, screaming in rage, grabs the cage and begins to shake it, trying to knock the hero down.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 06:12 pm (UTC)
Peter flipped up onto the ceiling of the cage. "Hey! You keep acting up like that and we're not going for ice cream later!" He shouted, firing a webline at the wrestler's back, which he looped around one of the cage bars, forming a makeshift pulley. Letting go of the ceiling bars, Spidey dropped back towards the ground with his end of the line in hand.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 06:33 pm (UTC)
Crusher is pulled into the air, flailing in anger and swearing in confusion as he goes.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 06:38 pm (UTC)
"Man, the censors have to have their hand on the bleep button near constantly with you, don't they? Well, let's give 'em a break, shall we?" And Spider-Man let go of the line, sending Crusher crashing into the floor.
[User Picture Icon]
Date: September 2nd, 2009 06:46 pm (UTC)
Crusher is stunned for a moment, but he's not out. He begins to get to his feet.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 06:52 pm (UTC)
The weblsinger taps his foot, miming looking at a watch. "I don't have all day to wait for you to get up Crusher."
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 06:56 pm (UTC)
With a scream of anger, he gets up to his feet and lunges at the costumed wrestler with anger.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 07:10 pm (UTC)
Spidey paused, waiting for just the right momnet, before realing back and thowing his fist at Crusher's face.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 07:13 pm (UTC)
Crusher stops in his tracks.

For several moments, Crusher totters, looking like he'll fall in any direction.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 07:18 pm (UTC)
The webslinger prods the wavering form slightly, just enough to push him even further off balance.
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Date: September 2nd, 2009 07:35 pm (UTC)
He collapses in a heap.
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Date: September 6th, 2009 03:05 am (UTC)
"THE WINNER!" Shouts the announcer, throwing the webslinger's arm into the air as the crowd cheers.

After the fight, both of them head backstage. "Soo, about that prize money?"

"Heh, straight to the point. All ya gotta do is sign a contract selling your likeness rights and your services over to me, and you get your moolah." says the announcer.

"Hang on. I'm not signing anything."

"No contract, no cash kid. Them's the breaks."

"That's not fair!" Peter shouts.

"Not my problem." the announcer says as he rounds the corner. Seconds later, he gives a shout, "MY MONEY!" and a thief runs back around the corner toward Peter, who sidesteps the crook, letting him into the nearby elevator.

"W-why didn't you stop him? You could've taken him down easy!" The announcer asks.

"Not my problem." Peter answers.
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Date: September 6th, 2009 11:50 pm (UTC)
As he exited the venue, back in his street clothes, he spotted the police cars and the ambulance. And then he saw Ben Parker lying on the ground. "No..." He ran towards the crowd. Two cops attempted to keephim from getting by, before he shouted "That's my uncle!" and pushed past them.

As Peter kneeled down, he grasped his uncle's hadns, begging the elder man to stay with him, but it was no use. Ben Parker breathed his last breath, and died.

"He carjacker's been spotted on 4th. We'll get him kid." Reassured one of the policemen.

"Not before I do." growled Peter beofre running off to change back into his tights.
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Date: September 10th, 2009 09:15 am (UTC)
It took a while,, but Peter, as Spider-Man, eventually managed to chase the carjacker into a warehouse.

"You took the life of a good man, a man with a loving family, for his LOUSY CAR, and now? There's nowhere left for you to run." Spider-Man growled, grabbing the man by his shirt and forcing him through a window, where the added light revealed the crook's face.

"No. It can't be! Not you!" Peter gasped, looking into the face of the same crook he had let by not an hour earlier.

"I should drop you, right now. Take what you took from Ben Parker" Peter said, letting go, before firing a webline, stopping the crook from hitting the ground. "But he wouldn't approve, because with great power comes great responsibility."
Date: July 3rd, 2012 01:11 pm (UTC)


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