The truth won't set you free
It had taken Avery two weeks of quiet research and calling in a few favors to get some access to the traffic cameras on the day of Sydney's accident, but he'd learned the name of the man driving the truck that hit Sydney that day. Selfishly, Avery waited for a day that Titan was out to ask for his help in "getting some information."
The moment Avery told Titan his plan, the green giant agreed with all due haste. They'd made quite the pair heading to David Hawke's apartment building in East L.A. and walking up the steps to his 1020A. Hawke opened the door and promptly tried to slam it in their faces. Titan held the door open with ease, allowing Avery to walk in.
Over the next hour, he explained to David Hawke what would happen if he didn't give Avery the information he was looking for, not the least of which would be that Titan would eat him whole and then forget he'd done it. Hawke threatened to go to the cops, the media and anyone who would listen. Avery nodded and then gave Titan "the signal".
When Titan opened his mouth as though he were about to bite Hawke's head off his shoulders, Hawke sang like a canary, describing the woman who'd hired him and how she'd told him to make sure "the bitch didn't walk away from the accident". Avery's blood boiled while listening to Hawke's account and then he calmly, but sternly, suggested that David Hawke take his ill-gotten money and leave Los Angeles that night. If he didn't, Titan would be back tomorrow to finish the job.
Once they were done, Avery thanked Titan and told him that the dinner reservations for him and Marlow at a fancy restaurant would be taken care of shortly.
Then Avery got into his car and sped toward Cecelia's apartment to lay down the law.
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