Self-indulging (open)
Becky was very pleased with herself. She had just finished her last final before she got a brief (but well-deserved break) before summer classes. And as her classes had been fairly difficult, as graduate level courses should be, she figured that she had earned a much deserved treat.
Becky shot off a quick text to her to tell that she had successfully aced her last final, and that she'd see her that weekend when she'd visit her in New York.
She'd go back to her apartment and take a nap (as she really hadn't exactly been sleeping lately, as studying consumed the greater amount of her time), but first, she was going to treat herself.
Becky walked to her favorite place to get ice cream not too far from the MIT campus. She ordered a hot fudge sundae with strawberry ice cream and took a seat by the window.
Ice cream, then a nap, and maybe some shopping followed by a bubble bath...and bed at a nice early time later. It was the perfect day.
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