Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Casey Rycroft and OPEN
Setting: The Commons, Tuesday after classes
Rating: Worksafe
Summary: Casey is getting a little time outside after classes before falling into his usual hermit routine.

It was the second day of the school year and thus the second day in a row that Casey spent outside of his dorm. The several days before term was spent unpacking, but as he wasn't doing a whole lot else, it didn't count towards his habit of being a bit of a shut-in. Two days so far was rather impressive. Truth be told, though, the main reason was because his Playstation 3 hadn't been hooked up to the TV he brought along yet.

He dutifully left his DS behind in his room as he headed outside to enjoy the weather. The weekend had been rather rainy in Massachusetts when he collected the last of the stuff he left behind, so this was a welcome change. Casey had grown to like being in New Orleans - especially in winter. Winter wasn't a favorite season, and New England didn't have the easiest winters most often.

With a small exhale of success, he flopped down on one of the benches near Beauregard's dormitory and watched as other students moved about the commons. Some were toting the last of their things in despite having more than enough time, some were out enjoying the weather, and some were just hanging out with friends. He was just proud of the fact he was outside.

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ichbinsotoll From: [info]ichbinsotoll Date: August 24th, 2010 10:38 pm (UTC) (Link)
Rike had been meandering aimlessly across the grounds, never quite sure what to do with her free time when she hadn't yet gotten anything to study. As she wandered across the grass, she spotted Casey. While not exactly best friends forever, Rike liked the Beauregard boy and was happy to redirect herself toward his bench. She sat by him heavily.

"Hallo, Casey. How goes it?"
thatmachineboy From: [info]thatmachineboy Date: August 25th, 2010 12:33 am (UTC) (Link)
Casey was beginning to ponder the reason why people chose to sit outside after a while, and wondered why he didn't bring something to keep him entertained. At least a book. That was, at least, until he looked up to see Henrike heading towards him just before he heard her voice.

"Hey!" He answered with a wide smile and shifted on the bench so that he was sitting rather than lazily lounging. "Goes alright, for the second day of school. What's up?"
ichbinsotoll From: [info]ichbinsotoll Date: August 25th, 2010 01:41 am (UTC) (Link)
"Not much. I have no real homework yet, it's strange. I am bored."

She made a face. Rike was probably the only person on earth who considered homework to be a good way to pass the time.
thatmachineboy From: [info]thatmachineboy Date: August 25th, 2010 01:57 am (UTC) (Link)
He shrugged a little bit and extended his legs, crossing them at the ankles. "It's early yet. I'm sure we'll get homework by the end of the week at the latest."

Casey paused and made a small face of disgust. Homework wasn't really an issue; he just loathed doing it. "I'd still rather be playing video games or something else entertaining other than doing homework, though."
ichbinsotoll From: [info]ichbinsotoll Date: August 25th, 2010 02:09 am (UTC) (Link)
"Yes, I am sure also." She looked an unholy sort of perky about that. "I like to keep my mind busy."
thatmachineboy From: [info]thatmachineboy Date: August 25th, 2010 02:16 am (UTC) (Link)
The slightly wary look was unavoidable. Casey simply wasn't used to the idea that anyone could possibly enjoy homework, let alone look forward to getting it. The concept was completely alien to him. "You can find some other ways to do that. I mean, there are video games, and other sorts of games that keep the mind busy. Strategy sort of things." Leave it to him to suggest gaming as an alternative.
ichbinsotoll From: [info]ichbinsotoll Date: August 25th, 2010 02:18 am (UTC) (Link)
"I do not play video games much. I have books, but I do not want to start if I cannot finish."

She was used to her enjoyment of homework being a little strange. but she liked learning, dammit, and she wasn't ashamed! ...A little bored, maybe, but not ashamed!
thatmachineboy From: [info]thatmachineboy Date: September 1st, 2010 11:08 pm (UTC) (Link)
Casey shrugged a little bit and moved his gaze to a few people passing off to the side of them. "Well, you'll finish them probably. Just not in one day unless you're one of those power readers. Bookmarks are your friends."
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