The old stomping grounds
Who: Ebele and open to Staves
What: Ebele visits her old home
Where: Staves kingdom
When: Tuesday afternoon
It had been a long time since she had been back there, it felt like ages. She had taken a horse out early and rose into the Staves kingdom on her own only carrying a small dagger in case she ran into any problems. She didn't run into any trouble as she entered the kingdom, keeping her head low. It was nice to be on familiar grounds, traveling through streets she used to race through as a child.
It was strange, almost as if she were walking through a dream she had once a very long time ago. She even had to reach out and touch one of the stone walls to make sure it was real. Running her fingers along the stone she smiled. She knew the risk in going home but it was nice to just sneak in for the afternoon. As long as she didn't get caught by anyone important. She meandered the streets a bit more, re-aquatinting herself with the shops and the stands, the locals. She didn't quite blend in but it was nice to pretend for once.
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