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e m m e l i n e ♔ ([info]advancingly) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-03-18 13:41:00

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Entry tags:caradoc dearborn, emmeline vance

Could it really have been five years?

Emmeline had been organizing some paperwork, files, letters, old school essays because somehow their closet had become a disaster zone. Somehow meaning that her one year old son Andrew had managed to get his hands on the various boxes and thought it had been quite fun to spill their contents all over the floor. Emmeline had found him looking very pleased with himself and gnawing on an envelope. Children could be so precious.

"Don't do it," Emmeline muttered as her hand gripped the back of Andrew's shirt as he tried to scale the dresser drawers of the closet. Her eyes were focused on the letter in her other hand, something she hadn't seen in a very, very long time. Five years it must have been. Her acceptance letter into the St. Mungo's healing program, still rather crisp because she had tucked it away immediately to keep in tact. Not that Emmeline did much reminiscing of her last few years in England as most of her memories were fraught with pain and despair, but this had been a happy day for more reasons than one.

Andrew stopped struggling against her hold for a moment and Emmeline looked over at him. His bright blue eyes were focused toward the door of the closet, and a second later he let out a shrill shriek of delight. Emmeline recognized the excitement in his voice and she let him hurry off to greet Caradoc, who must have just arrived home.

"I'm in the closet!" she called after, hearing footsteps and doors shutting. Five years?

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2013-03-19 03:05 pm UTC (link)
He supposed he should have gotten use to the small gremlin that tackled his knees everyday when he returned home from work, but that would also require for this creature of a son he had to stop growing too quickly before his eyes. Hadn't he just been born a year ago? And now he was walking, almost talking (screeching, was more appropriate actually), and showing so much character already that it was impressive. Though for a Dearborn, Caradoc thought as he dropped his things on the table and, it was all rather on schedule.

"What trouble have you gotten into today?" he asked his son rather happily, as Emmeline was currently out of reach and Caradoc could not withhold his amusement concerning the daily minimal terrors their son brought her during the day. Reaching down to pick Andrew up, the boy squirmed like a flobberworm in his hands before contently wrapping his small arms around Caradoc's neck for balance. Swallowing, Caradoc pressed his lips together in an amused manner, and quickly blew a bout of air in Andrew's face before moving to make their way to Emmeline.

"What's all this, then?" he asked when they finally reached her, and Caradoc was able to take in the closet contents spilled out all over the floor. Knowing that all Andrew had really desired was a free ride back to his mother, Caradoc easily placed him back on the ground and picked up a piece of parchment instead.

"1979?" he asked cautiously, reading the postmark of a random letter. He looked down at Emmeline in a dubious manner; this wasn't a precursor sign of nostalgia, was it? Because he wasn't quite sure if he could handle another one of those.

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2013-03-21 01:53 am UTC (link)
"Andrew got into everything," she said, looking over some more sheets of parchment before standing. Emmeline pushed up to kiss Caradoc hello, ignoring the swat to the face that Andrew nearly always handed her when she tried to get in the middle of him and his father. Oh, just wait until he became a teenager, Emmeline was sure this love affair would have its less-than-adorable moments.

She peered at the postmark and smiled, nodding in bewilderment. 1979 had been a tremendous year in a lot of ways. Graduating from Hogwarts, Anneliese's wedding, starting St. Mungo's, and kissing Caradoc for the first time. Well--no, they'd had some sort of teasing, nearly angry snogging session in Hogwarts before, but that was only because he wouldn't back down from a challenge. Certainly not her fault. Through all the many challenges they both had gone through since then, Emmeline was finding herself so proud of where they had ended up. It would be easy for her to fall into a hole of darkness, dredging up the miserable memories, but she'd survived it all; you were allowed to be proud of that, right?

"Can you believe that was five years ago? I'm feel so old." Emmeline smirked, letting Andrew tug on her hair. If his attention was focused elsewhere, she would have a good thirty seconds or so to have a conversation with Caradoc that didn't involve her son's high-pitched babbling language. "Not as old as you, of course, but."

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2013-03-21 07:24 pm UTC (link)
Caradoc looked at Emmeline darkly, though he paid no more mind to the jab at his age than that. After experiencing many brink-of-death scenarios, he could say he had come to appreciate any age after twenty-one. Not that he would tell her that.

Twenty-one--- had he really been that young that night? It seemed eons away, ages, lives ago (he supposed that was true), a feat achieved by a past self. And, something far from what his life currently was. Yes, definitely much different now, he thought, as Andrew pulled at his mother's hair. Gentle amusement filled him at some visual acknowledgment of what Emmeline must endure day in and out with him.

"I am the ripe age of twenty-five, a wizard still in his mature youth," Caradoc produced seamlessly, pulling his lips together a bit amusedly.

"If you feel old, then..." Caradoc trailed off, shrugging his shoulder in a faux disinterested manner. He supposed he coule make a quip about how young she was, but somehow he figured that might come around back to bite him. So instead, he bent down to casually look further at what else was on the ground.

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2013-03-24 05:40 pm UTC (link)
"I do," she continued, not allowing him to turn her thoughts around even if when put into perspective they were rather young by wizard standards.

Emmeline mused silently to herself that she had seemingly been the late bloomer among her friends when it came to settling down and having children, but with all that she had gone through and to only be twenty-three. It was a miracle she'd made it this far and because her soul felt a bit old, she had to remind herself that wasn't the case.

She stepped around the piles she had made and hummed to herself. Just a little trip down memory lane, it was.

"You see, I have an almost one year old son, I'm nearly halfway to my ten year Hogwarts reunion, and I've been stuck on the same bloke for five whole years." Emmeline pursed her lips, putting her hands behind her back in a playful manner as she rocked on her heels, watching Caradoc move about. Andrew stuck his tongue out at her and she mimicked the teasing expression. "Today, actually. Five long years, today."

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