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surf ([info]surf) wrote,
@ 2008-01-08 19:05:00

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So there it is. Or should I say, "Here it is." It's true, it took me the greater part of seven months, but I'm finally settled in. No more looking back at the past, no more comparisons to past heartbreak, no more assuming 'all boys are one in the same.' I'm done throwing him curveballs, because let's face it, he must really love me if he's still here after all the tests I threw at him. And yes, here he is, bold as brass, still smiling daily and tell me I'm the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

And I just realized it the other day. It was a subconcious thing. Somewhere along the way, I just stopped. I stopped assuming he's going to hurt me. I stopped waiting for him to do something wrong. I guess in a way, I shrugged my shoulders, and decided, "Maybe he really does care."  I'm not really sure when that was. A month ago? Two months ago? Two weeks ago? Who can tell. But somewhere along the line it just stopped. And now I'm happier. He's happier. We're growing with eachother.

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2008-01-09 01:24 am UTC (link)
that's so cute.. i wish i had someone like that. i am still like, in love with my ex. he only wants to be friends, i can't do that.. i can't get over him either.

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