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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 01:26:00

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Entry tags:avia free, cait curry, dinah kord, dr fate, goldstar, holiday, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - alex rice-matthews, inactive - avalon, inactive - damien wilson, inactive - hope free, inactive - josh casey, inactive - katima sers, inactive - kieran grey, inactive - lian harper, inactive - marissa wayne, inactive - max szasz, inactive - morgaine king, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - robert queen, inactive - scott rayner-west, inactive - tim kent, inactive - traya smith, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, iris west, jerry carr, joey mason, mourning dove, npc - batman, npc - jai west, npc - mia dearden, npc - tim drake, petra gardner, will freeman, zachary zatara

Mother's Day
Mothers are the place that we call home.
On them we rest our heads and close our eyes.
There's no one else who grants the same soft peace,
Happiness, contentment, sweet release,
Erasing nighttime tears with lullabies,
Restoring the bright sun that makes us bloom. - Anonymous

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2010-05-09 03:48 am UTC (link)
With finals done Max was back in Hub City in time for mother’s day. For a pair of genius level intellects that were experts at solving problems Max and his dad were all but incapable a cooking a fancy meal but their simple eggs and bacon with a glass of orange juice and a big mug of coffee make to her liking. This was ready to be served in bed with a card from them and fresh flowers.

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2010-05-09 03:55 am UTC (link)
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee woke Helena up in the morning. She smiled when she saw her husband and her son bringing in breakfast. "That's really nice, you two didn't have to do that."

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2010-05-09 04:00 am UTC (link)
“Well you put up with us all year long so it’s the less we could do,” Max said with a smile to his mom, “Also Dad said he was going to go out and get one of those five gallon tubs of your favorite ice cream too.”

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2010-05-09 04:03 am UTC (link)
"Come here you," Helena said, sitting up to give Max a kiss on the cheek.

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2010-05-09 04:11 am UTC (link)
“Happy mother’s day mom,” he as he leaned down for the kiss and then gave her a big hug. They had set up quite the nice day for her, a romantic comedy that she said she hated but secretly loved, going doing to the practice range for some crossbow shooting, then diner at her favorite restaurant. Plus he and dad had promise to tone done the crazy for the day.

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2010-05-09 04:12 am UTC (link)
Josh really isn't sure what to do this year. He ends up spending a good portion of the morning just up in his room, trying to sort his thoughts out. For as long as he can remember, he's always just gone to visit his mother in jail when this day rolled around and the meetings were never happy ones. The healer never knew what it was like to have a mother and with the routine broken, he's at a loss...

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2010-05-09 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Josh was not the only one in the house without his mother this day. Avalon had never celebrated Mother's day - it wasn't a tradition on Naltor - but he did understand the feelings of sorrow that he attributed to Josh.

Following the emotions up to their shared room, the alien slips into the room and wanders over to where Josh is and flops down next to him. "Hey." he says simply, and then leans in to give Josh a warm hug.

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2010-05-09 08:33 pm UTC (link)
Josh glances over as Avalon walks in but doesn't say anything. He leans into the hug. "Hey," the healer replies softly.

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2010-05-09 08:43 pm UTC (link)
There really isn't anything that Avalon feels that he can say to Josh that will erase the sorrow that the other boy feels. This isn't the sort of pain one gets over easily, and it's certainly best not experienced alone. Wordlessly, Avalon enfolds himself around Josh and then just climbs up into his lap and proceeds to give Josh snuggles.

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2010-05-09 08:51 pm UTC (link)
Josh doesn't have any words either. He just slips his arms around Avalon and holds on tight.

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2010-05-09 04:22 am UTC (link)
Jerry and his dad had been busy getting the best ingredients from all over the world to make an incredible breakfast for mom. Fresh French beard from Paris, fresh fruit from all over, Kona coffee from Hawaii and dad made pancakes. But most importantly Jerry had gotten Riker’s cheesecake too.

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2010-05-09 04:28 am UTC (link)
Back in Keystone, there was a hearty Team Morgenstern effort to clean the house to white-glove standards and fix the meals in addition to their usual chores, and then they all watched Mrs. Morgenstern's favorite movies together.

Ruth also had made sure to remind Jay for three days in advance so he wouldn't forget.

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2010-05-09 04:32 am UTC (link)
Despite the fact that his mother would not acknowledge his existence anymore after he had gotten disowned from his family Kieran still sent his mother flowers with a card just says happy mother’s day. He wasn’t sure if she ever gotten and kept them or even read the card but for all that his family had done to him he still loved them and did this type of thing anyways. He would have called them but he knew they could even take his call like they hadn’t when he called to tell them he was alright after his accident with Lynn.

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2010-05-09 05:04 am UTC (link)
Alex sleeps in on Mother's day. He doesn't have a mother or a grandmother left alive. He's never celebrated.

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2010-05-09 05:11 am UTC (link)
Tim just sits on a rooftop in Metropolis in his new costume. Legs hanging over the edge of the building, the displaced young man stares at the flowers he's got in hand. One blue, one purple, one red. He bought them for his mother before he remembered that in this dimension, his mother wasn't his mother. The apartment he'd been going to fly to wasn't his family's apartment. He's stuck in a dimension away from his family and friends. And it really hurts.

"Sorry Mom..." he whispers, regretting that he couldn't be home with his family right now. He's just alone...

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2010-05-09 05:33 am UTC (link)
Scott looks at the green and silver jumpsuit, the big green lightning bolt. How many times he had seen that green and silver blur on the telecomm, seen those giant green streaks of lightning or those sparking green constructs and Scott knew he was safe.

He missed his mom. And if and when he gets that Chronoporter fixed, he's making sure, before even picking up his gadgets, he's giving Green Lightning the biggest hug any of her kids had ever given her.

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2010-05-09 06:32 am UTC (link)
Mother's Day this year was not a good one for Cait. She missed her mother and she wanted to see her, but doing so would not be good. There was the slim possibility of Mera visiting, but Cait doubted she would.

She spent the morning with Hope and the pod and then went to work.

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2010-05-09 03:30 pm UTC (link)
Iris sped around the house doing chores at superspeed, before her mother was even awake. She wasn't allowed to be in the kitchen to help with breakfast since The Great Waffle Incident two years ago.

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2010-05-09 11:08 pm UTC (link)
Jai makes breakfast while Mom sleeps. He's already gotten a stern lecture about running out on Mom, and Dad has made him promise not to fight with her today.

Jai doesn't want to fight, either, so he figures it's best to just do this and get it over with.

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2010-05-09 03:31 pm UTC (link)
Mia didn't have a Mom of her own, but she did take Dinah out to lunch that day, like she did every year.

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2010-05-09 03:34 pm UTC (link)
Lian never really celebrated Mother's Day, her mom never really being around to celebrate it to begin with. She did however, send a card and flowers to Aunt Dinah for Mother's Day.

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2010-05-09 03:36 pm UTC (link)
Hope spent the whole day with her mother, cooking for her, cleaning the house, watching movies.

And like always, they had a sparring session. It may have seemed weird to those that didn't know her family, but it was something that Hope and Barda always did.

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2010-05-09 10:53 pm UTC (link)
Avia had done pretty much the same thing ("See, I'm helping!"), though she declined sparring in favor of referee-ing said sparring.

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2010-05-09 03:37 pm UTC (link)
Terry had told Bruce not to call him unless it was extreme emergency that day. He spent the day with his little brother, Matt, cleaning the apartment for their mother, and cooking (okay, ordering out) for her.

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2010-05-09 03:40 pm UTC (link)
Talia al Ghul had always been a hard woman to please, even for her own children. Morgaine had stopped getting her mother gifts for Mother's Day quite some ago, but called her to let her know that her daughter was safe and doing her duties to the Demon's Head and the League of Assassins.

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2010-05-09 10:38 pm UTC (link)
Wendi and her siblings didn't see much of Mom or Dad on Mother's Day. They seemed to take it as a challenge to put the mother back in Mother's Day.

But eventually, there would be flowers and candies and dinner.

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2010-05-09 10:46 pm UTC (link)
This year, Dinah reprogrammed her mother's computer so her log-in name read as "World's Best Mom," and popped digital flowers up on the screen. Real flowers and cards were sent to Aunt Dinah, Aunt Bea, and Bianca Reyes.

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2010-05-09 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Maxine didn’t celebrate mother’s day her mom had been home for one in years. Still she had a card for her she made on the computer for the next time she came home whenever that was.

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2010-05-09 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Riley had been planning on bringing his mother breakfast in bed, but it was all he could do to set the tray down on the landing instead of dropping it before he ran from the noises he heard.

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2010-05-09 10:56 pm UTC (link)
Zach sends his mom a new dress and a card with beautiful calligraphy, telling her to look him up for lunch sometime.

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2010-05-09 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Joey had gotten flowers for his mother and had dinner with her, since they couldn't go out together.

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2010-05-09 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Petra invited Mom in for the weekend to make her dinner, take her shopping, and take her on a micro-brew tour of Manhattan.

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2010-05-09 11:04 pm UTC (link)
Traya had gotten her mother a world's best mom coffee cup, flowers, done the housework, cooked, (with some help from her father too) and basically devoted her whole day to her. Kathy was the only mother she had ever known and deserved the best.

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2010-05-09 11:11 pm UTC (link)
Tim Drake spend Mother's Day working, as his own mother's passing occurred years ago. He does break up a mugging of a woman and her son after they leave dinner inside an IHOP.

That has to be enough.

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2010-05-09 11:16 pm UTC (link)
Damien Wilson sends his mother a yearly progress report of the League's business assets and projections, as well as an update on his latest project. She approves, and tells him that she enjoyed the video footage he sent of the death of the Braslavian President. Damien did not often take contracts, but he wanted his mother to see that he was capable of doing those things that he commanded others, like his sister, to do.

He also tells Talia that Morgaine is as well as Morgaine ever is, and swears again that he will watch out for her.

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2010-05-09 11:21 pm UTC (link)
Robert Queen cannot find his mother, and has not seen her in almost two years. Rather than dwell on this, Robert honors his mother in the only way he knows how on this day:

He looses an arrow on a mugger, and kill him in one movement. His mother taught him to use a bow and arrow, as well as how to kill, so Robert honors her by using his talents as often as he can.

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2010-05-09 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Alerron Yat thinks that a mother should be honored each day, and not just a specific one, but he likes the idea of Mother's Day. He's found several small gifts and things he wants to tell her about as soon as he sees her again.

He will see her again, and he will save her from Blackfire, even if he has to rob his cousin of his own mother to do it.

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2010-05-09 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Rex makes breakfast for his sister, then makes certain that Pnnt is ready before they call Shayera in Egypt. She and Carter are in a different timezone, but they know better than to miss Mother's Day.

Dad used to make a huge production out of it when he was little, and he's got to at least remind Mom of that, if only for a moment.

He's going to suggest they spar when she comes home, just for old time's sake.

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2010-05-10 04:49 am UTC (link)
Pnnt is armed and ready with her typical, pretty off-key rendition of a traditional Thangarian song of appreciation. Every year it seems to get worse but it wouldn't be Mom's Day without it.

"Ready! I still say we should have air-mailed waffles." Because Mom loves waffles.

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2010-05-10 12:32 am UTC (link)
Mark has no family he can claim. No one who he would want to claim either. The day goes by without notice for him.

Besides, he's still trying to figure out some other things for himself.

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2010-05-10 04:44 am UTC (link)
The motherless Indigo does nothing to celebrate the Earth holiday even though her heart aches with a longing that she can't explain.

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2010-05-10 04:46 am UTC (link)
Marissa doesn't leave her hotel room this day. It's her first mother's day without Vicki and despite her badassery, the latest Robin is far from it today. Today, she grieves.

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2010-05-11 03:22 am UTC (link)
Will busies himself to help out the Freeman matron. He knew that his mother and father had him rather young and struggled to keep food on the table in his early years.

Many kids his age would have been unhappy at the lack of toys he got as a child, but Will didn't care. he made it his mission to help his family out, and that hadn't changed even after his father managed to get his family in a comfortable place.

So, today, Will made his way to and fro, doing the chores his mother normally does (except cooking, because Will could burn water).

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