April 21st, 2011
 | 04:27 pm - intros, baby! Haha, Carol is not the only person to forget to do these! I am Sass, and am currently the headspace for three characters (though that's sure to boom).
Cinnamynn Thompson. 16 years old, Hulett junior. Her parents are celebrities and she was raised in the spotlight. She's very loud and friendly (or thinks she is, anyway), a cheerleader, and is often bugging people for candids or quotes for the school yearbook. She's in Debate, because arguing just comes naturally. She needs friends, 'boyfriends' and I would not at all be adverse to any crushes/people crushing on her!
Adelaide Legaux. Might be familiar to some of you, but her story has changed a little so I recommend reading her bio. She's now 18 and in University House, having survived a suicide attempt at the end of her senior year. She has a jerkbag ex-boyfriend and an extremely limited friends circle which is probably still figuring out how to tiptoe around That Big Issue. Still a sports freak with attachment issues, and let's not get started on that whole family thing. Some friends/acquaintances and enemies are welcomed!
Steven Suzuki. 15 years old, Champlain sophomore. He's quiet and studious, a total Champlain stereotype. However, he can also be fiercely judgemental and elitist (particularly on matters of intelligence) and very closed off on personal matters-- you probably wouldn't guess he's bisexual. If he was in charge of the world, he'd have you all forcibly sterilized if by some miracle you proved yourself worthy of being allowed to live. Friends are unlikely, love interests highly improbable, enemies a given. He has a very interesting sister available for play.
So yeah. We've discussed. I'm disgustingly excited for the things to come!
Cinna: Vi and Scar like her a lot, a fellow cheerleader who is loud? Yes please. I think Scar might have a little crush on her but no likely to say anything about it as she doesn’t want to talk about her sexuality quiet yet. Xavier likes her, she’s loud and friendly! He’s loud and friendly! Let’s be loud and friendly together! Cinna is a little too loud for Manney though. November does not know how to handle Cinna, she wishes she could be as adjusted to her dad’s fame as Cinna is to her parents because she hates lying about her dad.
Addy: Vi finds her a formidable opponent and thinks her ex is a dick. Scar is amazed by Addy’s mouth though she would never mess with her and though Vi tries, Addy will never be the target of one of Scar’s pranks. Xavier and Manney want to play quodpot with her, Xavier thinks she’s bad ass and Manney is a touch intimidated. No tries to stay out of her way.
Steven: Vi and Scar think he’s cute but needs to take a chill pill, Vi probably annoys the shit out of him but Scar is sweet and probably tries to get him to live a little though that might piss him off even more. Xavier is probably not on his radar but Manney might be more his pace despite the age difference. No frowns about Steven’s ideas about other people.
Cinna is obvs down with Vi and Scar. I'm having her put up a post for debate (personal debate, not debate club) soonish which those two are welcome DEMANDED to participate in. Cin is probably a bit loud and in your face for No's tastes, but she wouldn't be at all mean to her and would probably try and bully her into social stuff xD I definitely see her being just way too much for Manney but that doesn't stop her trying. Her and Xavier TOGETHER is probably his worst, loudest nightmare xD
Addy probably doesn't have much interaction with the twins because of the age difference and her supreme unwillingness to hang around Champlain House anymore, but she's being a TA in Transfiguration so they might have some in-class time there. So long as you think her ex and that interloping manwhore of his is scum, you're okay by her even if you're not in that tiny loop of friends! Xavier and Manney she'd know from Quodpot, they'd have been opponents for the past three years (she's not allowed to play anymore now that she's in University House D: ) She's good friends with Luka so she definitely knows them somewhat. No might be off her radar.
Steven... whoa. JUST SIDE-EYE, EVERYWHERE. He doesn't mind Scar. She's intelligent and makes the most of learning and is not a disgrace to their House. He HATES Violet though xD That girl is just everything about people that he hates about people (hey, she was probably in his sister's crowd! TEAM GLITTER VOMIT!) November probably hasn't done anything to attract his ire because she's good and quiet, but she probably hasn't done anything to impress him either. But that's pretty much FRIENDLY, for him! xDD He'd probably think Xavier a bit of a Quodpot meathead, and that was probably his initial impression of Manney too until Le Studious One was spotted in the library. BEING QUIET AND STUDYING? WHAT MADNESS IS THIS? *investigates*
Yesssssss. The twins are going to debate like the wind!!! They lurve her. And I would love for Cinna to drag No out at some point and force her into social things. LET'S CAUSE THE WORLD TO END WITH OUR MADNESS! HOORAY Xaxa and Cinna!!
XDDDD Steven. Vi totally hung out with his sister XD glitter puke everywhere. Scar would still try to get Steven to hang out though. XD And he's totally right about Xavier except he's a pothead not a methhead xD CLOSE ENOUGH. But Manney and he should hang out being quiet and studying xD
Meathead, not meth head xD THE METH HEADS ARE EASY TO SPOT!