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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-10-06 18:57:00

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Entry tags:charles spinnet, derek dobbs, group, mirabelle jasper, nora peakes, octavius pepper, penelope fawcett

Open to Guests and Friends etc!!!!
Charlie really did love throwing parties, but it seemed like the common theme was that these events were for his really, really good friends. He knew he'd been sort of a prat to Octavius this past year or so, so he really wanted to give his friend a good time. Charlie also wanted to get Octavius' mind off of his recent breakup, which...officially had become> a breakup about a week or so after...they actually broke up. He wasn't exactly sure how everything had gone down, but he knew that this was a Rose-Free-Zone.

"Happy Octaviusfest!" he shouted along with the crowd, taking a swig from his rather large beer glass. The Oktoberfest theme was a hit, there were goats and sheep and geese and horses in pens so that Gebhard could have a blast as well, and there were good people here. No room to make a big mess of things, and it should be a good night.

And he was drinking this time around, so that would make this night even better, he suspected.

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2012-10-07 12:45 am UTC (link)
Mira ran her hand underneath her hair, freeing it out from the back of her neck as yet another WWN associate appeared to converse with her about the party. They had all seemed particularly excited about the unique setting of this social gathering, and the theme because wasn't that different, and were they allowed to pet the animals--- after experiencing four conversations like this, she'd simply begun to direct those talkers to Charlie (as a punishment or an ego boost, she hadn't decided). Her level of involvement concerning this party had developed quite unexpectedly within the last 24 hours, but that was Charlie, wasn't it? Mira hadn't minded helping, because she liked Octavius, but in the end that did not mean she was about to spend the entire night talking about goats and beer with people she saw everyday.

After guiding away a rather excited intern, Mira turned and walked in the opposite direction with the intent of finding Derek. They had separated, after a bit of introductions, so now she wanted to find him. And not to bring up a topic Bianca had pulled her ear about earlier; she honestly hadn't noticed she'd been introducing people to Derek as her boyfriend all night. It wasn't... she really hadn't. Noticed, that was. Hadn't she before? She didn't think it was as exciting as Bianca was making it. If anything, it had been out of convenience, to use the least amount of words possible. Mira supposed.... that was what she thought him as, but. That was it. No need to be whipped into a frenzy about it.

If he had a problem with it, then that was a different story. But she would think he would bring it up, so--- oh, there he was.

"One of these farm animals is going to escape, I just can't decide which," she let out upon finally reaching him. But she was getting ahead of herself. Looking at Derek, Mira tilted her head slightly. "Hello," she smiled.

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2012-10-07 03:06 am UTC (link)
Derek only vaguely remembered Octavius Pepper from school, as their paths had little reason to cross unless he had ticked off a Prefect, but he knew Mira liked her boss well enough and didn't mind taking the evening off to accompany her since Vinny was coming as well. Mira had to flit off and do some hostessing stint or the other, he thought, but she'd left him with a drink and his friend, which he'd hardly touched as spirits lost their taste for him, and the other having wandered off some time ago. Derek didn't mind, though, as there were enough familiar and more faces that had made his time there enjoyable thus far. Not to mention the animals. So many animals, he'd almost sat on a pig hiding in the stack of hay.

"Hi," he said in reply, smiling. "My money is on the goat with the hat busting the other goats out and staging a coup."

Hearing "boyfriend" had given him an uncomfortable twitch when he'd heard it earlier. He just wasn't long-term material, not in the sense of moving forward. But when he thought about it more, he realised Mira never said or did anything to indicate that that's what she was looking for. Even with the introduction of the new title, Derek couldn't point out how their relationship or behaviour had changed in any recent way. It probably made a lot of sense, actually, because Mira seemed the type to like status-connoting titles and being able to show off arm candy. And since she was drop dead gorgeous, it probably warded off the less-flattering of the chatting up of which she was inevitably on the receiving end. Thinking through it logically had relaxed him quite a bit.

"Exactly how much of this did you plan?" Derek asked, leaning against a bale of hay. "Because I feel it necessary to point out I have a birthday in twenty days and I enjoy beer. The goats I can take or leave, but this is quite wicked."

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2012-10-07 06:50 pm UTC (link)
"That's Gebhard," she glowered, and threw a glance at the animal in question. No one in this building could deny that Derek's prediction had the distinct possibility of becoming a reality. "He's Octavius' goat. And life-partner. He is quite wryly." All true statements. That goat was in a league of his own, so much so that he sometimes made Mira question whether he was a normal animal, or an animagus undercover. He could even be a new breed of magical super-goat, she supposed, but she tried not to think about it that much.

Her face popped as Derek mentioned his birthday, and a wide grin appeared on her face as she remembered that that was in fact, true. But instead of addressing it yet, Mira simply put her hand to her face as if thinking over his prior question.

"Oh, well, let's see," she started, rolling her eyes slightly. "Yesterday, I asked Charlie what he was planning, and then today I became a contact and had to invite everyone, so... none of it." Yes, that was about right. She shrugged her shoulders, though, as the logistics didn't really matter when everything had turned out so well.

Mira then leaned forward, waving Derek toward her like about to divulge a particularly exciting secret. "I'll do you a solid, and put you in contact with the planner," she said, pressing her lips together in an amused manner before letting out a short laugh. "Perhaps he will bestow his partying genius on you." Mira closed her eyes and waved her hands slightly, only adding to her joking jest.

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2012-10-07 09:30 pm UTC (link)
Derek fancied he'd have wanted a goat quite terribly when he was leaving school, so it was probably for the best he'd never learned such things were even possible. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't find the idea appealing even now, but given the only reason Rhett Butler continued to exist was that he'd mostly taken matters into his own paws or when he could charm Vinny into catering to his whims, it didn't seem wise. Then he just didn't think the goat and Rhett Butler would get on at all.

Talking about his birthday in jest had seemed fine, but the idea of actually celebrating it for the first time in three years gave Derek one of those nasty, heart-stuttering jolts. "Oh, I couldn't trouble him," Derek said easily enough, managing to sound light in keeping with the joke. "Though I will have to keep this farm on some sort of retainer in future."

Setting aside his drink, he took another appreciative glance around and shrugged. "Still, I don't see why you shouldn't take all the credit for yourself. Clearly there'd be no one to grant compliments at all if it weren't for you."

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2012-10-08 02:46 am UTC (link)
Oh good. Even the potential prospect of one day having to return to a farm themed anything made Mira put on an ambivalent smile and blink quickly. Was she the strange one for enjoying more city/wizard-kind related events? Time to change the subject.

Mira's mouth twitched, exposing some teeth in a genuine smile. "Yes," she said, bringing her hands together to clasp each other. "I think I like how you put that." In all honesty, she didn't care much about this credit business, surprisingly. Perhaps it was a sign of maturity on her part. Or simply an overall uncaring about things in general. She'd go with maturity. Humility wasn't the worst trait to pick up.

That didn't mean, however, she was above accepting compliments from such an attractive-looking wizard like Derek Dobbs. Nope, he could boost her ego all he wanted, and she would thoroughly enjoy every second of it.

"Clearly," she started, raising her brows and her shoulders in a mock accepting manner. What was a witch to do? If she was to go along with this, she would obviously need a proper place to sit and accept all this accomplishment. Spotting a couple of well-placed (and sturdy looking) bales of hay behind Derek, she casually pressed by him to prop herself up, thinking them an acceptable throne to sit on for its purpose.

She beckoned Derek with her hands, inviting him closer. "Come on, tell me how much you like my party," she stated in an amused manner, dipping her chin toward her chest as she spoke. The fact that this seat also created a much better height-proportion for snogging? Purely coincidental.

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2012-10-08 05:18 am UTC (link)
He watched her seat herself with a smirk, pretending to deliberate on her question. Strangely, this was what relaxed him the most of being with Mira: the banter, the back-and-forth, the blasé approach to the world around them. The attitude was very restful, which was not an adjective he ever thought he'd associate with Mira.

"It's excellent, really," Derek told her, frowning as he endeavoured to concentrate. "Truly, the best one I've been to in years."

Leaning forward, as if it were his turn to disclose a secret to her, he said sotto voce, "But I must confess…"

His hand crept up the slight gap in their heights, thanks to her impromptu throne, along her shoulder. "I've always been better at showing," he said in mock seriousness as he bunched his hand in her collar and pulled her forward, down closer to him. "Much better," he whispered right as her lips neared his, then kissed her.

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2012-10-09 02:51 am UTC (link)
Mira let out a pleased sigh once their lips met, as Derek had made her wait far too long for it. Not--- technically, but those seconds of hesitation had felt like a bloody century, heightened only further by her knowledge of how excellent of a kisser he was. He was a right terrible tease for it, because he had to know the effect he had, and she would get him for it... eventually.

It would just be a shame to extract said revenge now, because while Mira would admit she enjoyed their conversing, playing with words, the casual activities and such--- nothing was better than snogging Derek Dobbs.

Well, maybe one thing.

A playful smile formed on her face as she decided she quite liked this new perspective, for once not having to stretch up for attention from his giant of a wizard. Mira let her hair fall down as she reached to rest her arms on his shoulders, locking them behind his neck.

"You're very good," she muttered, too content and distracted to come up with something more impressive to say. Merlin she could snog him until her face went blue. Mira inched a bit more toward the edge of her seat, and separated her knees to allow him to come closer.

"Spectacular party indeed," she uttered into his mouth, but made no indication of releasing him.

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Birthday Boy!
2012-10-07 03:18 am UTC (link)
Nora was having such a good time that she told Charlie that. That's how good of a time. She never spoke to Charlie unless she had to and she had complimented him! He had been far too shocked to actually respond before Nora tittered away, and Charlie's stunned expression would be stuck in her head for the rest of her life. Priceless!

She made her way through the nice sized crowd; she recognized many of the faces and didn't feel overwhelmed or as if the guests were just to fill up space. These people were actually here because they liked Octavius and wanted to celebrate him and his birthday. Which was brilliant! He deserved it!

"Octavius!" she trilled, finally spotting her friend. The birthday boy! Nora nearly skipped over to him, feeling rather light on her feet. She bounced on her toes and held his present behind her back. It wasn't anything spectacular, but she had put a bit of effort into it and she hoped he appreciated it! There was no way she was just going to sit it on the table full of presents! "Happy birthday! I have a present for you!"

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2012-10-07 04:05 am UTC (link)
All Octavius could think as he looked around was brilliant. That's what it was, all of it was, just brilliant. This party had been exactly what he'd needed, Octavius simply hadn't known it. He'd rather been dreading his birthday coming this year, not in the least because it felt as though bits and pieces of his life were falling apart wherever and whenever and however they chose. But seeing what had ended up being quite a tumultuous period in his life being gently poked fun at, seeing all these people who he liked and was liked by coming to celebrate with him, well—it just felt really good, and had the comforting feeling of "this too shall pass."

Though he was reluctant to admit it, perhaps Octavius had been feeling a bit like he'd diminished in worth, too, so it was nice to be bolstered up a bit. Not to mention Gebhard looked fetching and sportive in his hat, which, if that wasn't a cure for the blues, he didn't know what was. If there was ever any doubt that Charlie Spinnet was the very best of friends, there could be none of it now.

Having made the first set of rounds and having consumed perhaps a smidgen more of the grog than he told himself he would, he was enjoying a bout of exceptionally high and (for him) rare spirits whilst a lull between socialising formed. When Octavius saw his friend bouncing up to him, he couldn't help but grin back because her enthusiasm was infectious to his already enthused state. "Nora!" Octavius greeted, putting his hands on her shoulders to stay her a bit, laughing. "You didn't have to! Your presence tonight is present enough."

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2012-10-07 04:58 pm UTC (link)
She still pushed up on her toes, though his hands kept her from going up too high. Nora wasn't even drunk! She wanted to explain that to Octavius, but that seemed a bit trashy, to have to announce that you weren't drunk, so she refrained. Being around all the animals, seeing so many of her friends (well, acquaintances! But they were nice enough most of the time to refer to them as friends!), and the fact that she was so excited to tell people about how the bloke she was dating was a curse breaker preparing a trip to Egypt certainly helped her reach this rather bouncy state.

"Of course I did! It's your birthday!" Nora pulled the present out from behind her and handed the neatly wrapped, thin gift. It was a record, of course, but the collection of artists consisted of those who had the number one hits in the muggle UK, the year Octavius was born. The album cover consisted of pictures of Octavius and their little group of friends, and well, she was just pleased with it all!

"Nico said I should've tried to nick a dragon tooth for you, but," she wiggled her now free fingers, "I rather like my hands."

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2012-10-07 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"Nora!" he exclaimed once again, having pulled off the wrapping of his present. Everyone who knew Octavius well knew he was rather mad for the Muggle music. It was a tendency that ran in the family, having an affinity for at least one particular thing from the Muggle world. Likely, that was a result of having a father who was as determined that his children should grow up properly educated about the world of his life, too. The gift was a very sentimental token, and he appreciated the personal touches she'd gone to lengths to add for him. "This is ace, thank you!"

Because he was suddenly overcome with the feeling of gladness that they were friends, still friends, and that she was here and seemed so happy that his already good-mood had to become better, Octavius gave another laugh and demanded, "Come here, bouncy, give us a hug." But even squishing her quite hard, he still managed to crane his neck and study the track listing on the back of the album over her head.

As he began to step back and disengage from the slightly bone-crushing hug he'd administered, he lifted his eyes from the album cover and tucked it under one arm, asking, "Who's Nico and what has he got against your fingers?"

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2012-10-07 08:41 pm UTC (link)
She felt hot, a bit like she usually did after getting too close to Octavius, but Nora was glad that he seemed to like the present so much. It had involved talking to Charlie, and she'd mention that later when she wanted to remind him just how good of a friend she was. She pushed her hair back out of her face; even though she'd tied it up there was never really a way to keep her curls at bay.

"You only turn twenty-six once," Nora said with a smile, though now she felt a bit embarrassed because---he'd hugged like like that and, yes---She shook her head and her face went a deeper shade of red at his question, but her smile grew wider. Nora, for all the blabbing she'd done about Nico already at the event, suddenly felt like keeping the details sparse.

"He's---the curse breaker that got chased by the dragon with me?" she explained, refraining from squirming. Who knew it would be incredibly odd to tell the bloke you've fancied for years about the man you're seeing. "We've been seeing each other, it's all rather new and such, but---he does like my fingers, I think!"

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2012-10-07 09:46 pm UTC (link)
Octavius felt his smile drop briefly. "Really?" He blinked, feeling slightly taken aback. Try as he might, Octavius couldn't really recall the last time Nora had told him she was dating someone. Certainly not since she'd come back to Britain, but that was fine.

Because why shouldn't she be in a relationship? Really, he'd been in one—until recently—so it wasn't some rare occurrence to find another person—a friend person—in one, too. And, well, he'd just gotten out of one, so of course it made sense that someone else would be getting into one. That was… osmosis. Balance. Some sort of relationship karmic balance, naturally. It made perfect sense.

So what if it made him want to grind his teeth rather viciously?

No, Octavius decided, being broken up with (or doing the breaking up with, he still wasn't entirely sure when or how or in what way that had come to pass, only that it had) simply turned one into a bitter cynic who found the belief other people could have happiness preposterous . He pasted his smile back on and said, "Well, that's brilliant!"

Drumming his fingers on the album under his arm, to remind himself how good a friend Nora was and how happy he was that she was happy, he looked over his shoulder to scan the crowd. Turning back, he asked, "Is he—is he here tonight? I'd love to meet him."

Like he wanted his tooth yanked out.

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2012-10-08 12:32 am UTC (link)
This was feeling a bit strange---but it shouldn't be, she was being silly! It was just her that felt strange and hot because of all the time she'd spent daydreaming about the two of them. Nora's feelings for Octavius were so used to being suppressed that it wasn't hard to push them away; it was nearly as easy for her as it was to list off the sixty-four types of pixies in the world. It was just her ears and cheeks that refused to lose their reddish tint that she never could control.

"Ooh, no, he's not here," Nora said apologetically, unable to control her pout at the thought. Reminding herself that Nico was actually off doing something very interesting and exciting brightened her demeanor, however, and her eyes grew wide. "He's preparing for his team's trip to Egypt. They leave Friday, so there's a lot to be done---I've never been so I'm quite jealous."

Nora straightened her shoulders, feeling a bit proud regardless of her jealousy.

"And he's real, despite what Charlie will tell you." Nora scowled, thinking of the remarks Charlie had made after overhearing her mention Nico to another guest.

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2012-10-08 04:37 am UTC (link)
Octavius look mystified. "Why shouldn't he be r—" He stopped himself and shook his head. "No, you know what, I don't want to know." How two of the people he was closest to in his life could be so at odds, he had never and would never understand. He liked both of them, and they both liked him; that really ought to have been reason enough to get along, in his opinion.

"Well, that's—" not brilliant (well, it wasn't, but), he'd already said that, "great! Really great, Nora. He sounds—you sound… very well suited to each other." Octavius didn't go to places like Egypt. Octavius stayed in Britain. If Octavius went to Egypt, he'd likely end up accidentally mummified or a cobra's snack. He was certain Nico didn't have any such problems. No, indeed, Nico would probably be breaking curses on Octavius's mummified body in ten or fifteen years.

The circumspect and decorum-abiding part of Octavius was thoroughly taken aback by all these vitriolic asides, and he could feel his cheeks colouring a little. Here he was, being perfectly rude for no good reason, when he should have been showing support for a friend starting new adventures. Fearing that his smile had been once more slipping, he pasted it back in place and tugged gently on one of the curls escaping her pins. "If you're happy, Peakes, then I'm happy for you."

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2012-10-08 05:32 pm UTC (link)
She smiled regardless of the feeling that his words weren't very genuine. Nora knew that she wasn't the prettiest of girls or easiest to get along with, so she could--understand Octavius' shock at the fact that she was seeing someone. She hadn't had a serious boyfriend since Hogwarts, not that she was sure if she could even call Nico that, but she understood the--hesitation. She supposed she did, anyway.

Nora blamed her thoughts on the fact that it was Octavius she was talking to. As easy as it was to be his friend and to care for him in that manner, it was still very easy to feel like a schoolgirl, especially in a setting like this. Nora had a notoriously bad self-esteem when it came to dealing with anything but animals, so of course her mind flitted to the idea that Octavius was simply much nicer and kinder than his best friend, and was putting on a good face to disguise his shock.

Oh, bollocks, no, Octavius wouldn't fake anything with her. She was simply reading too much into things, and now Nora felt guilty for her thoughts. She pressed her lips together, knowing that they needed to get off the subject of her romantic life before things got far too awkward,

"There's probably a spare record player around!" she said, clapping her hands, "Let's go take a listen to the hits of '57, yeah?"

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2012-10-07 03:27 am UTC (link)
It was the season for parties, apparently. Penelope didn't know how many times she'd been dragged out of her comfortable hiding space in the last month alone, but she would have made an exception for Octavius regardless. True, she liked him very much as a person, but she also felt quite poorly that the first time or two they'd met, she had badgered him incessantly for details about her sister when they had been dating in school. Penelope didn't realise until some time later how awkward that must have been for him, being that her curiosity and nostalgia were so powerful, and she rather thought he'd taken to avoiding being alone with her ever since.

Though her cheeks reddened profusely at the memory, Penelope was relieved that she did not have to resort to liquor to ease her nerves, as the second they'd arrived, her thoughts had been reduced to ANIMALS! It also helped that this was both much tamer (was that a pun?) and less threatening and stressful than any social event she had been to in, oh, the last year or so. She liked a number of people here, although it was mostly that furry things really did wonders for her neuroses.

Perched atop one of the bales, she waved shyly at Charles when she caught his eye. Truthfully, she'd felt mortified about having gone to her brother's for dinner, and Penelope had even tried to insist it wasn't necessary for them to go, but he was surprisingly stubborn on the matter. It might not have been so bad, had the reception from her brother not been so noticeably frosty, being that everyone else seemed to be trying doubly as hard to make up for it, but she couldn't help feeling just a touch awkward around him now.

"I think the steins you found are quite a success," she told him when he drew a little closer.

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2012-10-07 07:55 pm UTC (link)
Charlie grinned widely, dropping down beside her and lifting his glass up to view it in all it's goat-like glory. Merlin, if only Bess Fawcett had planned a barnyard shindig like this, that family dinner would've gone off without a hitch.

He'd appreciated the invitation and now that he'd barely survived the night, Charlie felt a bit disappointed in himself. Penny's sister-in-law was trying to break through this...this wall that had been created, with Charlie's help. He should've put more effort into breaking it down, but who could really manage to get a word out when Drystan Fawcett's eyes looked ready to shoot the killing curse straight at you?

"If you like these, wait until you see the cake," Charlie said with a laugh, putting the glass down by his feet. With his arm free, he put it around Penny's shoulders and pulled her into his side.

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2012-10-07 09:01 pm UTC (link)
She crinkled her nose and laughed as she rested her head against him. "Someone spilled the beans already. I should think it would be terribly uncomfortable to have Gebhard staring at you as you are about to bite off a chocolate goat's head." Penelope looked around, her gaze lingering meaningfully on the pens. "Such torturous acts aside, this is very nice, though. I'm beginning to think all parties should take place here."

Licking her lips, she realised she was beginning to ramble and stopped herself, but that did seem to be as good an opening as she was going to get for the rest of the night.

Hugging her knees a bit harder, Penelope stared very determinedly at a pink toenail and cleared her throat. "Speaking of which… Bess wrote a few days ago, she said to thank you for being such a sport last week." She paused, then added, "And sorry. That's from all of us, though."

As conversational gambits went, it was terribly unsophisticated, but it did do the trick.

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2012-10-07 10:50 pm UTC (link)
His ears heated up, "Oh, it---you don't have to be sorry."

It had been humiliating and embarrassing and quite possibly the most awkward situation he'd ever been in, but he certainly didn't want Penny feeling bad about it, or Bess. He was sure that Drystan had not actually sent his apologies, but Charlie could...at least sort of understand the man's hatred. Hell, Charlie hated every bloke Delilah brought home, and some of them where healers and had good reputations. Charlie was just some quidditch punk who was most well known for partying with Axebanger and getting drunk. It---while those things were true, Charlie thought he'd always treated Penny well.

He was an idiot, but he knew how to care for someone he adored.

Charlie ducked his head toward her, letting out a breath through his nose.

"It's fine. I--it's the kind of thing that's gotta be done, you know?" Did he even know what he was talking about? He knew what he meant. There were important things at hand here, really. There was no reason to be living in the past when he was actually seeing a future developing. How one dinner had spurred all of these thoughts, he couldn't tell you, but it seemed like everything was falling into place and he had to do what was right to keep it going in that direction. Penelope loved her family, and he..."Because I---"

He pressed his lips together, losing his nerve.

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2012-10-07 11:44 pm UTC (link)
"—Always do the right thing," Penelope supplied, giving his hand a squeeze. Perhaps he felt too modest to say so himself, but it was inevitably true. She was certain many people who have scoffed at the idea of him going to a dinner party given by her family, including her brother, but when she'd been the one willing to renege, he'd insisted on their attending. He'd shared a million little tidbits with her, about antics his sister pulled that he'd (long-sufferingly, but still) tried to mend. Although she wasn't aware of the particulars, she understood he and Octavius had had their differences over the year, and yet he was responsible for this very fun evening. If it was not obvious Charles Spinnet was a very good person, it was an under-sight on the observer.

But because he did do that noble and loyal thing so often, and so well, Penelope thought she'd have to be the one to put an end in the attempts to scale what was for now an insurmountable obstacle, before irreparable damage by one party was done. "And I appreciate that, I do," she made certain to say, very clearly.

"But," she chewed her lip in a frightful habit of old, wondering how best to put into words what nothing but a few hollow-sounding utterances in the lonely dark some time ago could convey, "as I said to her, and will say to you, I think it's time to give up the ghost for this one thing. He's—everything else is fine as it is, isn't it?"

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2012-10-08 02:52 am UTC (link)
His heart thudded heavily in his chest. She thought so highly of him, it was terrifying. Charlie never wanted to disappoint Penelope, did he always do the right thing? That was a lot to live up to, that was a lot to think about. The 'right thing' could be considered different things when looked at by other people, Drystan Fawcett most certainly did not think that Charlie did the right thing.

He tried, that was one thing. He always tried to do the right thing, what he believed in his gut to be the right thing. Charlie felt his face heat up at Penny's kind words, but his smile fell with her last comment.

Fine as it is?

"Penny..." he started, wondering how his emotions could have switched so quickly in the five minutes he was sitting beside her. It happened a lot when Charlie was in the company of Penelope Fawcett, but he had no bloody idea how or why it did. Well, he might have some sort of clue. He bit his tongue before finally blurting, "I love you!"

It hung in the air for a moment, but Charlie managed to catch some of his senses before they disappeared into the clear night sky, "I do and---I want things to change...for the better! That's--I want us to..." There was no way he was going to be able to say what he wanted without sounding like a fool. Charlie shook his head, covering his face with his hand, "I'm such a ponce, I'm sorry..."

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2012-10-08 04:09 am UTC (link)
"Oh." Her eyes abruptly filled with tears as she stared hard at the ground, and she swallowed around a lump. "That's a nice thing to hear. No one's said that to me before."

It was, it was the first time, Penelope thought faintly. The first time anyone had said those words to her because they wanted to, and not because they had to. She'd never imagined how it would feel to hear them, because she never imagined them being said in such a way to her. It felt much more overwhelming than she'd anticipated, in a difficult-to-breathe, about-to-sob, heart-pounding sort of way, although it was lovely. Overwhelmingly lovely.

Quickly dashing one stray tear away with her wrist, she said, "I love you, too," in a voice that she feared was much gummier than it ought to be, for making such declarations. Her heart felt a bit like it was in a vice, although she didn't know why that should be. It wasn't as if she hadn't thought such things to herself for a very long time. Penelope finally felt brave enough to look up at him, but not quite enough to tug his hand away. "Why are you sorry?"

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2012-10-08 04:10 pm UTC (link)
He peeked at her through his fingers. Charlie had thought it would be easier to say, because he already knew that she loved him from her drunken murmuring at Axe's party, but it really didn't make it any easier. His heart was pounding out of his chest, he felt nauseous and---she loved him too. Charlie let out a breath and dropped his hand.

"Yeah?" he asked stupidly. She wouldn't have said it if she didn't. Charlie would be the first to admit that he'd never felt the need to tell a girl he was seeing that he loved her, and that to him it mean that he'd never actually been in love before. He felt like the biggest sap in the world as his face heated up in excitement at this fact.

"This is not how I wanted to say that for the first time," Charlie laughed, looking around at the bales of hay and party-goers. He smiled at Penny, letting out a breath. "Penny, I love you and...." Charlie ducked his eyes, "and I don't want to have to hide it from...anyone so--you're going to have to deal with my stupidity, that's what I'm sorry for," he ended with a laugh.

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2012-10-10 02:48 am UTC (link)
Oh, the second time wasn't much easier to hear than the first, she thought, as her heartbeat hiccuped and galloped and did its usual acrobatics where Charles was concerned. It would have been so nice, it was nice, but she seemed to be having a minor panic attack, albeit a pleasant one. Goodness only knew how many times the words had almost slipped out of her over the months, but it never felt as if it were the right time to be saying them. No, she'd felt content in the knowledge of her love, that their very rocky start had solidified into something lovely and meaningful. By no means were things perfect, but that was hardly a reasonable expectation, particularly with her being one-half of the relationship.

Although Penelope still thought that things might end disastrously with her brother, she felt warmer at the idea that it wasn't simply pride or obstinacy motivating her boyfriend's involvement, but also wanting to be with her. Not wanting to hide or play coy. Penelope was still an expert keeper of secrets, and she tended to default to playing her cards very close to the chest, but the idea that someone else would want to do just the opposite in a matter that concerned her was very moving.

"That's all right," she said quietly, hugging her ankles and resting her cheek on her knees as she looked at him with a little smile. "I can be quite stupid as well."

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