Fri, Jun. 17th, 2011, 12:31 am
[info]inrunes: Intro Post - Freyr/Freyja's Aett


Because I haven't done bios for everyone I'm going to introduce them all with some info for you (and me). And because there are quite a few of them, I'm going to split them up by aett. So I'm sorry for the multiple blabby posts to come. XD

Audo Lófason
Audo has been blessed with the luck of the Gods. If you knew him you probably wouldn't enter into a wager with him. Winning is not a certainty though - he has definitely lost. He just ends up winning again a little while later. Even his biggest (public) loss ended with him landing a diplomatic role and going on to cultivate an actual career.

Audo is presently ambassador-at-large to the Arcane Kingdoms - overseeing the Runic Kingdom's interests in the region. He travels between Kingdoms as necessary. He is married, but his wife usually stays in the Runic Kingdom. They married because they were expected to do so. They both sleep with other people when he's away and they're both aware of this.

He's pretty personable/charming/easy to get along with. He's also pretty good at reading people - thanks to all the gambling. Both useful things when dealing with official types!

SO. Relationships. He'll have OFFICIAL types with all the Kingdoms and SEXY types with all the Kingdoms. (Any sexy officials? ;) I'm also open for him to end up in some sort of MEANINGFUL relationship at some point. As for the Runic Kingdom, aside from his wife, all I know is that he's good friends with Sigrun.

Tár Steinsson
Much of Tar’s life has been ruled by the military. It was a life he chose, and he doesn’t necessarily regret it, but he has taken his life back recently - choosing to return home to his family and the horses permanently. Tar’s ‘gift’ from the God’s is a bit of a strange one - stemming from the Vanir’s influence on life and magic, he can borrow life from things around him to bolster himself. (He can’t kill anyone with it or permanently heal his grievous wounds or anything like that. It’s more of a boost.)

Tar’s clan is involved in the breeding, training and trading of horses. He married the sister of one of the ‘friends’ he made in the military and she joined his clan. They have two children whose lives he has missed a fair portion of. His son is rather indifferent to his ‘retirement’ to be with them, but his daughter (Jovina) is happy to have him around, and he may be doting on her a bit because of that. His brother-in-law (that military ‘friend’ (Torbjorn)) is also living with them.

At this stage, his relationships will largely be within the Runic Kingdom - Jovina (daughter), Torbjorn (brother-in-law), Trygve (nephew). Though, given the war, he may have made some enemies. I do have plans for Jovina and Trygve to run off to the other Kingdoms and get themselves into trouble though. At which point Tar and Torbjorn will go after them, and Torbjorn will likely get them into trouble.

Torbjörn Grímsson
There was really no other path in life for Torbjorn than that of a warrior. He joined the ranks of the military as soon as he was allowed. Here he found that he was gifted with a unique prophetic ability when it came to fighting/battle - he received visions of the fight ahead, allowing him to anticipate certain things. There were some.. disciplinary issues with Torbjorn during his training, but he was allowed to see battle. He met Tar during his first conflict - they were a bad influence on each other at first, constantly trying to one-up each other. Tar was the first to tire of this, much to Torbjorn’s chagrin. Tar even managed to exert some control over Torbjorn - keeping him in line at least a little during future missions/conflicts.

Torbjorn married within his clan. They had one child before his wife took her own life on account of Torbjorn being a douchebag. He was forced to remove himself and his son from the clan due to the dishonour he had caused. Torbjorn took his son, Trygve, to his sister (+Tar) and left them to look after him. Torbjorn took any guard/mercenary/fighter work when there was no ‘official’ military work for him. He did see his son from time to time, but they didn’t have much of a relationship. Still, Torbjorn encouraged Trygve to train to become a warrior as well - he even tried to teach him a bit himself. But it seemed that that was best left to those employed to teach.

Hmm. His relationships are much the same as Tar’s. He would have made more enemies, though. ;)

Walderik Viðarson
Walderik is the High Chieftain, hooray! His rise to power wasn’t unforeseen, though he didn’t come from a particularly important family - they were in service to one of the old warrior clans. Members of the clan happened to take notice of Walderik and his ability to command people from an early age, and the boy’s path in life soon changed. Walderik was trained in battle, then in politics. He took to both and knew exactly where he was headed. He just had to concentrate on getting there.

During his ascent he met and married Sigrún Tumadóttir. She was of old blood and knew how it all worked. She could play all the games he could. But she wasn’t as.. cold as a lot of the people around him. Sigrun was a bit of a mystery to him and he liked mysteries. They had three children by the time he became High Chieftain, at which point family truly came second. He did try to make time for them, but it was demanding and his whole life had been about getting to this point. He was going to rule and rule well. And he did. He has tried to connect with his children over the years but it hasn’t been easy.

Walderik is definitely cool and calculating. He’s very good with words and if his presence doesn’t demand your respect, his words will. Walderik has been graced with SOMETHING. (I will work this out!)

SO. He has lots of relationships within the Runic Kingdom - obviously his family (Sigrun, Brynja, Runa) and official types (Audo, Vegeir, Hvatr and Gudvar). But other Kingdoms - I’m not sure. There are other people to do the talking. Maybe there’s been some post-war hand shakes? IDK. XD)

Jóvina Társdóttir
Okay. This one might be shorter. XD Jovina is Tar’s daughter. She was raised mostly by her mother as Tar was off being a warrior. (He was home sometimes though, and it was nice when he was.) Jovina and her older brother were never that close - he liked to involve her in his crazy childhood plans, but when they got too old for those, he went back to not caring much for her. Jovina was much closer to her cousin - Trygve - who was like a brother to her anyway. But he left to learn to fight and she had to stay and learn about the running of the house and the horses. She wanted to leave too! Though she rather liked the horses, at least.

Jovina has enjoyed having her father back. Even though it’s a bit late for all of that. Though she is not impressed with his (and her mother and uncle’s) plan to make her and Trygve get married once he’s finished his training. They didn’t think of each other like that. Trygve doesn’t have much longer in his training though.. so Jovina has been hatching a plan in case their parents ignore their protests.

The Gods have graced Jovina with magics that allow her limited control of the weather. She can only control things in the area she is in.. and it doesn’t always work.

Again, Jovina’s relationships are much the same as Tar’s. This will change when she and Trygve run off to other places and get in trouble.. she’s totally going to end up kidnapped and sold as a slave or something. ANYONE WANT A SLAVE?

Runa Valdardóttir
Runa was born blind. Obviously she’s had to rely heavily on her other senses. But regardless of these traits, she’s always been a bit different. She was generally a quiet child, though when she did speak, she often didn’t make much sense. Sometimes she spoke about things she couldn’t possibly know about, or things that hadn’t happened yet. Her parents tried to keep these abilities of hers quiet, but Runa had been on certain people’s radars for most of her life.

She was teased a bit by the other kids, but she took it all in her stride - she knew what was coming to them, after all. Some say she knew how and when her parents would be killed, and that she neglected to tell them about it. Runa has never spoken about that though. After her parents demise, the High Chieftain took no time in securing the girl. It was played as an act of charity in the wake of the war - adopting a blind girl orphaned during the conflict. But there was more to it than that. Runa was not only a Rune, but a Volva - an individual blessed with prophetic ability and other magics by the Gods. She was aware of the reasoning behind her adoption and didn’t protest any of it. She does enjoy living in the castle and its surrounds. She’s still relatively quiet and people do still find her strange.. but she isn’t teased about it here.

Runa seems simple at first, but there is obviously a lot more to her. She knows and understands more than most people do, yet most of them fail to realise that. There is a burden that comes with that type of knowledge. It is one she bears quietly. She is patient and kind, though knows that that will likely change.

I’m not sure of her relationships beyond the High Chieftain and his family. Her village was hit pretty hard during the war - not sure if any characters could be from there. She might have interaction with other folk in other places.. for some reason. XD I just don’t know!

Gah. How did this get so long? Sorry! :E

Thu, Jun. 16th, 2011 10:08 pm (UTC)

I'm just going to mention potential relationships that jump out at me. For the most part I'm sure mostly everyone would get along with everyone though. ANYWHO...

Audo: Victor also travels from kingdom to kingdom, also doesn't really acknowledge his relationship, and also thinks pretty highly of himself. They would probably either really get along or TOTALLY hate each other.

Nadia (Victor's wife (and I use the word loosely)) would TOTALLY bang the hell out of Audo.

Tar: I LOVE the plans you have for him and his family - it will be SO comical. I have one of my king's sons, his wife, and their daughter (they ran off to avoid the civil war) living in the Runic kingdom and I have ZERO plans for where they live/who they know/etc. Their names are Sascha, Mariele, and Ottilie. SO they could totally live near each other or potentially know each other somehow.

Torbjorn: If we do go along with the plans with Tar then Torb would probably totally dislike my peeps simply because they are from the Arcane kingdom.

Walderik: I could see there being some post-war handshakes as you mentioned. My king (Christoph) despises his father and didn't want to go to war with the Runic kingdom in the first place.

Jovina: I could totally see her getting kidnapped in the Pents kingdom (Sass has made those people all sorts of fucked up) and that would be TOTALLY hilarious. If she ends up being a slave then my character Tse would probably get to know her.

Runa: Not too sure about this one - we might just have to see what happens when characters get thrown at one another..?

Fri, Jun. 17th, 2011 02:57 am (UTC)

I think we will definitely have to have Audo and Victor cross paths to see whether they get along or HATE. XD (And Audo is definitely up for banging his wife. XD Victor can return the favour with Audo's wife if he wants.. she doesn't have a name yet. BUT WHATEVER.)

Muah ha. I do hope the Jovina/Trygve/Tar/Torbjorn business is fun. I foresee even more people getting involved. There will probably be some mess to clean up politically - I'm looking at Torbjorn causing that. XD Hopefully there can be a few run-ins with different folk along the way!

Hmm! If Sascha, Meriele and Ottilie did live near Tar and Co. I'm certain Torbjorn would hate them. In fact, that would be pretty much all he would do. Sit there and hate them. XD (If they don't want to be hated.. there will be other options as I get through the other aetts. XD)

All right. They'll definitely have to end up in Pents then. >D

And yeah, Runa is going to be a bit of a weird one. I'm not sure where she's going to end up.

HMM. I should get on to the next lot of characters. XD