Title: Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book I: The Invisible Chains Format: Novel - Original characters Length: Chapter: 10 463 words - Total: 385 540 words (July 23th, 2010) Status: WIP Rating: NC-17 - M - M/M Slash Warnings: Violence, incest, rape, non-con, domination may all occur in varying degrees Chapter 47: ShorgahGuess who gets what's coming to him and who doesn't?Lee-Lack Scarminckle fights a desperate struggle against the Mukthars in Mirkadesh. As a result of the outcome he takes a remarkable decision. Anaxantis regroups and Timishi and Lorcko have a heart to heart. Anaxantis takes a decision regarding Timishi and his friends and has a comforting talk with Lorcko... which leaves him depressed. Ambrick pours poison in Lorcko's father's ears. Shigurtish and his army cross the Mirax. The pages struggle with the prince's tent. Volcko of Iramid and Ambrick have an appointment with destiny. Link: XimerionTags: Dark Tales Chapter announcements