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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2005-04-06 20:01:00

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Google Video Blogging
Google is introducing a new video-blogging service, as part of its efforts to digitise the world's text, images and multimedia content, and make it searchable. Video blogging is a new phenomenon which is expected to grow as web space becomes cheaper and digital cameras become more sophisticated. Google's involvement with blogging began in 2003 when it bought Blogger.com. Blogs allow individuals to maintain online journals, which are specifically designed to be updated daily with text, images and links. Google has already been trialling a video search service as part of its core search functionality. Google Video provides transcripts of TV clips and allows people to search the transcripts of TV shows. The service indexes programming from PBS, Fox News, ABC and makes broadcasts searchable the same day.

Source: WinBeta

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