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Back after these Zzzzz's

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Back after these Zzzzz's

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*sigh* I know I've been sort of on hiatus the last like, 2 days or however long it's been....

Tomorrow I'll update you guys on Kristin's cancerous cervix, Nicole's pregnancy and Ally's latest drama.

Also, do not want to go to his aunt's on Saturday cuz she's a bitch.

Have to remember to tell you about his dad trying to tell Sierra that "it's quiet time". Yeah, well, how 'bout it's SOBER time?

Paul and I fought today. Apparently, he doesn't love me. BS. You need me.

And I have lukewarm water. No hot water. At all. Which is why there's been a pileup of dishes and I haven't showered in 3 days. 4, since now it's after midnight. Yucky, I know. I reek.

Also will tell you about how Paul didn't change Sierra this morning and doesn't want to take care of her.

I'm tired. Going to bed now.

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