Gabriel :X
"Are you feeling up to visitors?"
The question startled her, drawing Rachel out of her pensive reverie. Time was still getting away from her, so she was unsure how long she had been awake, but the minutes seemed to stretch on and on when she was by herself, easily getting lost in the swirling confusion of her thoughts. They said most of the physical ailments had been attended to, burns, lacerations, broken bones, that sort of thing, but she hardly felt well. The vague but ever-present, all-encompassing soreness and throbbing head were uncomfortable, of course, but there was more that disturbed her. She had the feeling she was missing something, forgetting something, like leaving a pot to boil. But the murkiness was gone. Even if the pain pulsing behind her eyes was just shy of causing them to water, she could see things much clearer now, literally and figuratively. At the very least, Rachel remembered she'd been awake earlier, though couldn't have said what transpired. That, a different nurse had said, was an improvement from before. An unsettling piece of news, but she appeared to be recovering.
Even if she couldn't quite remember from what, but no one was hard-pressed to tell her more than "unfortunate incident" and "totally normal, don't worry." Surprisingly, she wasn't terribly bothered, but that may have been the effect of the overwhelming tiredness and slightly unfocused head.
"There's someone who'd like to see you." The witch in the purple robes looked familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place her. Rachel assumed she'd been one to treat her earlier.
Believing she knew who the visitor was, she had her doubts about such a statement. Really, she just didn't know what she was going to say.
"All right," she said quietly, closing her eyes briefly. When she opened them again, a man, not who she expected, stood in the doorway. Blinking in quick succession, though regretting the action, her brows tugged together. "Yes?"
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