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B R I A N N A [ o'hara ] ([info]brianana) wrote,
@ 2009-06-23 23:23:00

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[FIONA] He said it was cool. [/FIONA]

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2009-06-24 05:28 am UTC (link)
Cool as in---there is no good cool here.

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2009-06-24 05:33 am UTC (link)
I also may have kicked him out of my flat and told him to go to Italy with the intention of not speaking or writing to him for at least a week.

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2009-06-24 05:37 am UTC (link)
That's my girl.

Maybe that's good though, it'll give you time to settle on things now that he knows he didn't even propose? Like what is that. Cool? and it'll give him time to figure out why...it isn't cool, but how to...make it...cool?

I'm starting to hate that word.

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2009-06-24 05:43 am UTC (link)
I feel like it was what needed to be done, but I don't feel good about it.

I think---it could be okay. It has to be okay, there's no choice, but! I was clearly nowhere near his level of enthusiasm and he just kept saying ridiculous things like---like, you and Tom do it so why can't we? And it was just like it was no big deal at all to him and it doesn't matter how many times he said he knew what a big deal it was because he wasn't acting like it, so I couldn't believe that he really got it.

I'm imposing a ban on it.

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2009-06-24 06:05 am UTC (link)
No one can compare to me and Tom, sorry bucko
He's always been a bit of a dimwit, talking about owl poo and--

This is sticky. I'm glad he didn't start hollering or I would've had to kill him---. I'm also glad you got it off your chest I still have to tell Tom soooooo. But the fact of it all is that neither of you is ready to have a baby, and Zach's just more than a bit behind on the maturity level.

I cannot believe I am taking this so well! I deserve a reward-- I dunno. Maybe he'll start doing some more adult things like oh I don't know, proposing? That'll help.

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2009-06-26 03:47 am UTC (link)
I don't know. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. I don't know what's going to happen, considering I was probably more than a little mean about the level of maturity I feel he lacks. What if I chased him off for good and he finds some model in Italy and I still really don't think he understands it, though.

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